- The economic situation is now different. 现在经济形势不同了。
- It is difficult to find work in the present economic situation. 在目前的经济情况下很难找到工作。
- The economic situation was serious, but they pulled through. 经济情况很严重,但他们还是过来了。
- I think the present armed clash on the border was a diversion to make their people forget the internal difficult economic situation. 我认为目前发生的边界冲突事件是想要转移他们国内人民对困难的经济形势的注意力。
- Their economic situation goes from bad to worse. 他们的经济形势每况愈下。
- We must adjust to the bad economic situation. 我们必须调整以适应恶劣的经济形势。
- How do you analyze the present economic situation? 你怎样分析当前的经济形势?
- The economic situation is encouraging. 经济形势令人鼓舞。
- In general, the present economic situation is good. 当前经济情况总的是不错的。
- The economic situation has changed considerably. 经济形势已发生了相当大的变化。
- The social economic situation is better and better. 社会的经济状况正在向好的方向发展
- I am very optimistic about the economic situation. 我对经济形势非常乐观。
- Whether a county government is competent or not has a direct bearing on the socio economic development of the area it governs and will affect the successful implementation of the afore mentioned program. 县级政府的能力直接关系着它所治理的县域社会的发展 ,也影响着西部大开发战略的推展。
- Thelatest trade figures will surely prick the bubble of governmentcomplacency about the economic situation. 最新的贸易统计数字无疑要惊扰了政府经济情势大好的美梦。
- What are your views on the present economic situation? 你对当前的经济形势有何看法?
- The economic situation in the developing country is very good. 发展中国家的经济状况很好。
- The economic situation was serious,but they pulled through. 经济情况很严重,但他们还是过来了。
- Sir Leon went on to elaborate on the economic situation. 里昂爵士继续详尽阐述中国的经济形势。
- Politicians put their own spin on the economic situation. 政治家们对经济形势各执一词。
- The current economic situation is a little bit cloudy. 当前的经济形势不明朗。