- Law and society in transition II. 转变中的法律与社会2。
- Discourse, genealogy, social theory and a society in transition: the challenge facing the human sciences. 您所在的位置是:首页---资源库---文献资料库---社会语言学---语用学
- In transition society in China, stated-owned commercial banks(SCBs) and rural credit cooperatives(RCCs) as well are facing the severe problems. 在向市场经济转轨的中国社会,这不仅是国有商业银行面对的一项严峻而紧迫的经济课题,更是广大农村信用社急需解决的经济问题。
- Feudal tyrant, bourgeois comprador, village suzerain, secret society member and party leader - Chiang was both the product and the tincrowned head of a society in transition. 既是一个过渡社会的产物,又是它的无冕之王。
- The damage was inflicted upon them in transit. 其损失发生在运输过程中。
- The goods were damaged in transit. 货物在运输过程中被损坏。
- These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了。
- You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit. 在运输中要允许有百分之五的损耗量。
- One of the packages was damaged in transit. 包裹有一件在运输过程中损坏了。
- Society in New England was thin. 新英格兰的社会过于单调。
- Some of the party's luggage is lose in transit. 旅行团的一些行李在运输过程中丢失了。
- The novel depicts French society in the 1930s. 这部小说描述了20世纪30年代的法国社会。
- Some of the party's luggages are lost in transit. 旅行团的一些行李在运输过程中丢失了。
- The psychodrama is human society in miniature. 心理剧乃是人类社会的缩影。
- He was still a young intellectual in transition. 他仍然是处于转变时期年轻知识分子。
- How to Use Well the Idea of Civil Society in China? 如何在中国用好公民社会理念?
- All letters were opened in transit. 所有信件在邮递的过程中都要受到检查。
- Journal of the Marine Engineering Society in Japan. 日本舶用机关学会志。
- These goods were crushed in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中受到了挤压。
- Economics and Society in Kievan Rus'Martin, Janet. 基辅罗斯的经济与社会状况。