- The highest ambit and core of social science research method is the kind of epistemology on society and history. 其最高层次、最终境界与核心问题是一种社会历史认识论
- As a singer for females , she banishes much stipulation which is saddled on to "the weaker sex" by society and history. 作为女性生命的歌者,她排挞了社会历史加与“第二性”的诸多不平等规约。
- With the development of society and history, most of Li-Long has become the tumbledown house. 中国建筑界对城市特色居住小区建设发展模式的文化思考也显得必要而已势在必行了。
- This thesis argues that the fact that Ovid abandoned the sober motif but absorbed in the love was relative to the society and history background of his times indivisibly. 笔者认为,奥维德抛弃战火的庄重而落笔于暖玉温香,与当时的社会、历史背景有着密不可分的联系。
- Sincerity genuineness creation and the sincerity towards life will certainly get sincere repay from society and history! 对创作的真心诚意,对生命的真心诚意,必然会获得社会、历史真心诚意的厚报!
- The author used a seemed calmness, impersonal and adiaphorous method to face the topic of the society and history of contemporary China. 荒诞的场面描写和幽默的语言风格是构成这种喜剧化色彩的主要手段,作家举重若轻,意味深长,发人深思。
- Marx's theory of social organism is the Marx's view of society and history, and is his highly-condensed historical materialism. 摘要马克思的社会有机体理论是马克思的社会历史观,是对其唯物史观的高度浓缩。
- While sticking to the basic principles of historical determinism, the historical materialism emphasizes on human's objective option with the development of society and history. 历史唯物主义在坚持历史决定论的基本原则的同时,强调人在社会历史发展中的主体选择性。
- Culture refers to both material and spiritual wealth created by human beings during the developing process of the society and history,especially the spiritual wealth. 文化是指人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,这里特指精神财富。
- Metaphysicians wish that nature disposition can supplement and adjust Confucian Ethical code, and, they think that nature disposition is the power advancing society and history. 玄学理想人格的特征仍然是儒道兼综,他们希望用道家的自然情性去规范和补充儒家的纲常伦理,并且显示出了把自然情性看作社会和谐、历史前进的真正动力的思想。
- English is his major and history is his minor. 他主修英文,副修历史。
- The "philosophical discourse" in modernity refers to the reflective criticism centered on the concept of "modernity" in modern Western society and history. 现代性的“哲学话语”,指的是把西方现代社会历史以“现代性”为中心概念加以主题化的反思批判。
- Based on the affirmation that human is the main body of society and history, this article mainly analyzes the main body's selectivity from multi-dimension aspects of selfness, inevitability and liberality. 本文在肯定人是社会历史主体的基础上,主要从主体性、然性、由性等多维视角对社会历史的主体选择性进行了探析。
- An artist should be fit for the best society and keep out of it. 艺术家应该适合最高阶层社会而又应置身于其外。
- Our curriculum comprises Politics, Chinese, English and History. 我们的课程共有四门:政治、汉语、英语、历史。
- The ideological trend of literature emphasizes to probe into writing consciousness, reading consciousness and critical consciousness influenced by a certain time, society and history. 思潮着重于探讨一定时代背景和社会历史条件下作家的创作意识、读者的阅读意识和批评意识。
- However, it is sticl a long way to go, for the opening of the door of truth reguires not anly the furtler development of society and history but also the sodalist's continuous explorations. 但路漫漫其修远兮,真理之门的豁然洞开既需社会历史进程的进一步发展,也需社会主义者们的继续探索。
- We respect the dialectics of life and history. 我们尊重生活和历史的辩证法。
- Having a highly developed society and culture. 文明化的在社会和文化上高度发展的
- The rise in delinquency is an indictment of our society and its values. 为非作歹现象有增无已,这是对我们的社会及其价值观的控诉。