- Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. 特征是极度的社交焦虑。
- Social anxiety disorder typically persists for life, often waxing and waning. 社交焦虑障碍通常存在生命,经常打蜡,并逐渐减弱。
- You may be suffering from social anxiety disorder, a diagnosable mental-health condition. 你可能患有社交焦虑障碍,一个可诊断的心理健康问题。
- And the pills raise a critical question: could medicating social anxiety disorder lead to misdiagnosing normal shyness? 药物同时引起了争议性的问题:对社交焦虑障碍的药物治疗会导致人们把正常的害羞看作疾病吗?
- The schizoid’s asexuality is a result of indifference - the schizotypal’s and avoidant’s, the outcome of social anxiety. 狂燥病患者的性禁忌其实是源于对世事的冷漠。说到底是惧怕社交场合的带来的焦虑。
- Methods Thirty-one medical college students with social anxiety were intervened by games, discussion, behavior training and role playing. 方法 采用游戏、讨论、行为训练、角色扮演等形式 ,对 31名医专学生的社交焦虑进行干预。
- This paper spells out the nature of social anxiety disorder from its epidemiology,etiology,diagnosis standards and treatment of research results. 本文从流行病学、病因、诊断标准与治疗方面对近年社交焦虑障碍的研究情况进行综述。
- Amongst people with social phobia and social anxiety their self-focused attention tends to maintain the problem (Spurr &Stopa, 2002). 在具有社交恐惧、社交焦虑的人群中,人们朝自我集中的注意力往往会保持这些问题。
- But severely shy people are sometimes diagnosed by psychiatrists and psychologists as also hxdying social anxiety disorder, or social phobia. 但有时精神病医生和心理学家把严重害羞的人诊断为患有交际焦虑症或交际恐惧症。
- Two hundred schizophrenics who were in time of recovery were assessed using the HAMA and LSAS to study social anxiety disorder (SAD). 为探讨精神分裂症恢复期社交焦虑(SAD),对200例精神分裂症恢复期患者用汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、社交焦虑量表(LSAS)进行评分。
- For several years, Katie had seldom interacted with anybody outside her family because of her considerable social anxiety. 由于她有一定程度的社交恐惧,凯蒂在几年间极少和家庭以外的人往来。
- Conclusion: These data suggest paroxetine has efficacy in the treatment of social anxiety disorder, maintenance therapy can get sustaining improvement of clinical symptoms. 结论:帕罗西汀治疗社交焦虑症有效,维持用药对能持续改善患者临床症状。
- Ongoing social anxiety disorder patients with functional brain imaging, and electrophysiology, genetics and pharmacological treatment plan optimization studies. 目前正在进行社交焦虑障碍患者的功能脑影像、电生理、药理遗传学及治疗方案优化的研究。
- Many neurological and psychiatric disorders involve abnormal social interactions, including schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer's disease, social anxiety disorder and Huntington's disease. 许多神经与精神疾病都会出现异常的社交互动,包括精神分裂症、忧郁症、阿兹海默症、社交焦虑症,以及杭丁顿氏症。
- Objective: to probe into the influence of sociality skills training on sociality anxiety in schizophrenia patients at convalescent stage. 探讨社交技能训练对恢复期精神分裂症病人社交焦虑的影响。
- The interactive bibliotherapy group had significant follow-up effect on subjects' socially withdrawn behavior and social skill, but not on self-concept and social anxiety. 读书治疗互动组对社会畏缩行为、社会技巧具有追踪辅导效果,对自我概念、社会焦虑的追踪辅导效果未达显著。
- Group Therapy on Social Anxiety of College Students 从羞耻感角度对社交焦虑大学生的团体干预
- Social anxiety scale for adolescents, SAS-A 又开发了青少年社交焦虑量表
- On social anxiety and how to relieve it 社会焦虑现象及其疏导与缓解
- Effect of Group Therapy on Social Anxiety of College Students 大学生社交焦虑团体治疗的比较研究