- socialist moral view 社会主义荣辱观教育
- The cultivation of socialist moral faith of juveniles is the gist of moral education to juveniles. 摘要培育未成年人的社会主义道德信仰是对其进行道德教育的主旨。
- People often shy away from a moral view of the world, if only because moral certitude reeks of intolerance and bigotry. 人们常常避免从道德视角观察世界,一个起码的原因就是道德的自信会给人缺乏包容、顽固偏执的感觉。
- Socialist Honor-and-shame View, as a systematic generalization of socialist morality in the new stages, put forward new requirements and tasks for colleges in our country. 摘要社会主义荣辱观是新时期社会主义道德的系统总结,为高校德育工作提出了新的任务和要求。
- Honor versus dishonor view is a moral view which uses the concepts of the glory and the humiliation to evaluate the behavior of people and their implementations of social duties. 摘要荣辱观就是通过社会舆论的力量,用光荣和耻辱的概念评价人们的行为和履行社会义务而形成的道德观。
- However,in the decade of the Cultural Revolution,Lin Biao and the Gang of Four plunged our Party,government and society into chaos,poisoned the minds of many young people and did grave damage to socialist moral standards. 但是过去的十来年中,林彪、“四人帮”把我们的党和政府搞乱了,把我们的社会搞乱了,也把不少青少年毒害了,社会主义的道德风尚受到了严重的损害。
- The rapid development of network has promoted undergraduates to widen their view and ken, but it also impacts their world view, philosophy, value view, and moral view at the same time. 摘要互联网的迅速发展对大学生开阔视野、拓宽知识领域起到了积极的促进作用,同时也冲击着青年学生的世界观、人生观、价值观和道德观。
- The socialist morality known as "Eight Honors and Disgraces" reveals the core, essential and key issues and problems of individual moral development of the youth and children. 摘要以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观,揭示了青少年道德发展的核心问题、本质问题和青少年个体道德发展的关键问题,为青少年成长指明了方向。
- If one wishes to be a prig or a Puritan, one can flaunt one's moral views about them. 一个人要是愿意当道学先生或清教徒,当然可以炫耀自己的伦理观点。
- Attention is also directed to the grounds for the ineradicable pluralism of moral views we confront. 考虑到以道德多元化定义当代人类处境,关于卫生保健政策和生命法则的反思是明智的。
- The outlook of honors and disgraces is an inheritance and development of the theories for constructing socialist morality. 社会主义荣辱观的提出在理论上是对传统荣辱观的一次继承和超越,是对社会主义道德建设理论的继承和发展。
- This paper summarizes different religious and moral views on the "Declaration on Universal Norms on Bioethics" drafted by the IBC of UNESCO. 文章概述了对由IBC负责起草的“生命伦理学普适规范宣言”的不同的宗教和道德观点。
- Socialist Market Economy and Socialist Moral Orientation 社会主义市场经济与社会主义道德价值取向
- The article thinks the Marriage Law being revised should confirm the conjugal faithful obligations and the spouse rights,so as to make socialist law in coordination with socialist morality. 文章认为现行婚姻法修订中,应确认夫妻忠实义务和配偶权,以体现社会主义法与社会主义道德的协调一致。
- To analyze Laozi's humanistic thoughts is instrumental to our understanding of Marxist humanitarianism and our advocating humanitarianism in the construction of socialist morality. 对老子朴素人道主义思想进行辨证分析,对于正确理解马克思主义人道主义、在社会主义道德建设中坚持和发扬人道主义精神具有重要的现实意义。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- They all support socialist policies. 他们都拥护社会主义的政策。
- I have some sympathy with that point of view. 我比较赞成这种看法。