- Analyzing on a few Relations of Socialism Distribution Theory 社会主义分配理论中的几个关系辨析
- socialism distribution theory 社会主义分配理论
- The results show an almost perfectly converse pattern of social distribution. 结果显示了一个几乎完全相反的社会分配模式。
- Based on the normal distribution theory of of seed germination rete loss during drying, a predicting model is developed. 根据种子干燥过程中发芽率损失的正态分布理论,建立了一个发芽率预测模型。
- Efforts should be made to deepen the reform of income distribution system and standardize social distribution order. 深化收入分配制度改革,规范社会分配秩序。
- To this end, some mild regularity conditions are imposed and an asymptotic distribution theory is established for modified statistic. 在适当的正则条件下,对修正的经验似然比统计量给出了渐近分布理论。
- In this "multipolar" era, the importance of social distribution has become increasingly prominent. 在这个“多极化”的时代,社会分配的重要性已日益凸显。
- In chapter 1, we briefly introduce the value distribution theory of meromorphic function. 第一章, 扼要介绍亚纯函数值分布理论的主要概念、基本结果和常用记号。
- socialism income distribution theory 社会主义收入分配理论
- In chapter one,we state a few usual notations, definitions and basic results in value distribution theory of meromorphic function . 第一章,我们给出本文所要用到的一些亚纯函数值分布理论的方面的基础知识,常用记号和一些基本结果。
- Using the value distribution theory of meromorphic,this paper considers the unicity problem for meromorphics and some known results are generalized. 应用亚纯函数值分布理论;研究了亚纯函数的唯一性问题;对以往的一些结果进行了一种推广.
- The courses I completed are marketing, business law, business English, statistics, marketing principles, sales management, distribution theory, economics and psychology. 我修过的课程有:市场营销、商业法、商务英语、统计学、营销原理、销售管理、商品配销理论,经济学和心理学。
- The financial crisis, we can see, the market is not omnipotent, just laissez-faire, the economic order is bound to cause confusion and unfair social distribution, and ultimately be punished. 这场金融危机使我们看到,市场也不是万能的,一味放任自由,势必引起经济秩序的混乱和社会分配的不公,最终受到惩罚。
- In the article, three-dimensional source distribution theory is used to calculate the wave force of immobile floating bodies, and the problem of singular points in the different two Green function is solved. 使用三维源汇分布法[]算有限水深中零航速浮体所受到的波浪力,对两种不同形式的格林函数中所共同存在的奇点问题分别进行了处理。
- The Construction of the Socialized Distribution of the Hotel Products Marketing. 饭店产品营销的社会化物流配送系统构建。
- Yes. The relevant courses I have studied include International Marketing, Macroeconomics ? Microeconomics, Introduction to Distribution Theory etc. My Academic Transcription, Graduation Certificate and Degree Certificate can demonstrate this. 您是否曾进行过任何相关课程的学习?如果有,是什么课程?您提供了哪些文件来证明这一点?
- With the Nevanlinna value distribution theory, this paper presents the studies of uniqueness of meromorphic functions sharing one value with weight.It is shown that some results of Yi H X is improved. 摘要应用亚纯函数的值分布理论,研究了以“权”分担一个值的亚纯函数及其导数的唯一性问题,所得到的结果改进了仪洪勋、杨重骏的一个定理,将有关的结论推广到了更一般的情形,从而也改进了先前的一些结果。
- Using the value distribution theory in several complex variables, we extend Malmquist type theorem of algebraic differential equation of Steinmetz to higher-order partial differential equations. 利用多复变值分布理论;我们将Steinmetz的代数微分方程的Malmquist型定理推广到复偏微分方程中.
- Who is the founder of the scientific socialism? 谁是科学社会主义的奠基人?
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。