- American social welfare policy has changed incrementally over the last sixty years. 摘要过去六十馀年来,美国社会福利政策一直在逐渐改变中。
- McInnis-Dittrich, K. (1994). Integrating social welfare policy and social work practice. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. 妇女人权学习手册--在地行动与全球联结(叶德兰审订、林慈郁译)。台北:心理,2004。
- Popple and Leighninger, (2001). The Policy-Based Profession: an Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Work. 陈恒钧、黄婉玲译。2006。社会政策与计画分析。学富文化事业。
- The content includes pareto optimal theory, the main content of social welfare policy, as well the common selective rule and methods of social welfare policy. 主要内容有:帕累托最优理论,社会福利政策的基本内容,社会福利政策的一般选择规则及方法。
- The Order policy includes the economic Order policy (enlarge the pie) and the special social welfare policy. Especially, the special social welfare policy should obey two principles . “秩序政策”的原则在社会政策中表现为“经济秩序政策作为社会政策”(做大馅饼)和“专门的社会福利政策”两方面。
- Familiar with national, local and company legal and policy issues in relation with the contract management, emolument policy, employment policy, social welfare policy, and training. 熟悉国家、地区及企业关于合同管理、薪金制度、用人机制、保险福利待遇、培训等方面的法律法规及政策;
- With the economic development of China and the globalization, in order to satisfy the people’s demands both in materialism and mentalist, the social welfare policy in China is also in the change. 怎么样在“社会转型”和“全球化”的双重背景下,发挥社会福利政策促进经济发展、维护社会公正的功能,是当代中国面临的重点政策议题。
- In some countries in Western Europe, due to the high tax and high social welfare policies, social security costs are on the verge national income 1/3. 在西欧的一些国家中,由于实行高所得税、高社会福利的政策,社会保障费用已接近国民收入的1/3。
- Are the state's social welfare policies and the operational approaches of social welfare organizations presently protecting the interests of disadvantaged groups? 国家政策与资源分配模式又如何影响社福工作的运作与社福组织的发展?
- social welfare policy of the senior citizens 老人社会福利
- Study of the Effect of Social Welfare Policy on the Labour Market 试论社会福利制度对劳动力市场的影响
- Trial analysis of American's social welfare policy mode 试析美国社会福利政策模式
- People in Britain began to crusade for social welfare. 英国国内开始争取社会福利的运动。
- Socialized Social Welfare Policy 福利社会化政策
- The senators are fully behind his welfare policy. 参议院的议员们完全支持他的社会福利政策。
- Joel Blau, Mimi Abramovitz , "The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy" 一本关于福利政策的动态分析的书。
- In social welfare they have achieved a lot too . 在社会福利方面他们也做出了很大成绩。
- He is a crusader for social welfare. 他是一位争取社会福利运动的改革者。
- Pan-Arab Regional Conference on Social Welfare Policies; 泛阿拉伯社会福利政策区域会议;
- In social welfare they have achieved a lot too. 在社会福利方面他们也做出了很大成绩。