- Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person. 有关各种社会问题的意见因人而异。
- Please tell me some opinions on various social questions. 请告诉我关于各种社会问题的意见。
- Opinion on various social question differ from person to person. 有关各种社会问题的意见因人而异。
- But, this kind of low birth level very is unstable, also inevitable has brought some social questions. 但是,这种低生育水平还很不稳定,也不可避免的带来了一些社会问题。
- The question about urban floating population crime is one of the social questions set off by the rural surplus populationin the course of urbanization. 城市流动人口犯罪问题是农村剩余人口在实现城市化的过程中所引发的社会问题之一。
- The lofty generalizations of Rawls are used in the analysis of broad social questions that pertain to business and large organizations. 罗斯崇高的论述被运用于分析有关于企业和大型组织广阔的社会问题。
- The station will feature programs about the trade but will also discuss issues such as human rights, social questions, and sexual abuse, Correia said. 电台将制作关于妓女工作的专题,也会讨论人权、社会问题及性虐待等议题。
- If you do not love the dog, please substitute for one generation to think, roams about dog's social question, helps to solve together. 如果你不爱狗,请替下一代想,流浪狗的社会问题,帮助一起解决。
- ECOSOC has a consultative role and can present proposals on economic and social questions and those relating to the protection of human rights at world level. 联合国经济和社会理事会ECOSOC扮演著谘询性角色,能把一些经济、社会问题议案,包括与保障人权有关的,提交国际层面讨论。
- Non-victim's crime is gradually evolving to the social question to the legal question, this initiated the scholars' ponder. 无被害人的犯罪正在逐步由社会问题演变为法律问题,这引发了学者们新的思考。
- Their rootlessness and homelessness, to a certain extent, reveals the widespread social question existing at this multi-cultural times. 他们的“无归宿感”和“无根感”也在一定程度上揭示了多元文化时代普遍存在的一个社会问题。
- They met every Sunday in the park, twenty of them, sitting around a few tables under a big mat canopy, drinking tea and heatedly debating every conceivable social question. 每个星期天在少城公园池边茶棚里的周会,一二十个青年围坐在几张桌子旁边热烈地讨论各种社会问题;
- Second, the real estate market will wither will bring the rotten poop and so on massive social question, especially can be very big to the financial industry impact. 二是房地产市场萎缩将带来烂尾楼等大量社会问题,尤其对金融业冲击会很大。”
- We deal with this through the use of pre-openers.A pre-opener is a social question that girls have heard before, which allows them to contextualize the interaction. 这种情况下,我们一般使用一些常用套词先做铺垫,这些套词,这些女孩都以前听到过,这样有助于她们把自己定位在特定的场景中,从而使她们提高对你的注意力。
- The rural labor migration has the important practical significance for the new countryside construction,but the disorderly and unlimited population migration may bring many social questions. 农村劳动力转移对于“新农村建设”具有重要现实意义,但不受限制、无序的人口向城市流动也会带来许多城市问题和社会问题。
- Added: “now studies the social question human, also does not have one worships the sage who Marx makes in the socialism. 还说:“现在研究社会问题的人,也没有一个不是崇拜马克思做社会主义中的圣人。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- Her social life get in the way of her study. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。
- Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。