- This is the emerging field of SNS, that is, social networking services, refers specifically designed to help people establish a social network of Internet application services. 这个新兴领域就是SNS,即社会性网络服务,专指旨在帮助人们建立社会性网络的互联网应用服务。
- Currently, there are some applications of WEB2.0 including SNS(Social Network Service), Blog(Weblog), Wiki, RSS(Rich Site Summary) and so on. And we usually use some of them together, in order to provide more convenience to the customer. 当前市场上出现的WEB2.;0具体形式包括:SNS(社会性网络服务)、Blog(网络曰志)、Wiki(百科全书)、RSS(聚合内容)等,而且往往是几种形式同时应用,以便给用户提供更好的服务。
- social networking services 社会性网络服务
- But social networking is getting a double whammy. 但社会网络是获得双重打击。
- VBNS? Very high speed Backbone Network Services? 甚高速骨干网络服务系统?
- Thank you for being part of the Wallop beta social networking site. 直接关闭帐户,在9月18日之后就再也无法使用你的帐户。
- Enlarge your“ Inner Circle”, and expand your social network. 使您成为“一个团队的纽带”,扩大您的人脉及社交圈。
- Enlarge your "Inner Circle", and expand your social network. 使您成为“一个团队的纽带”,扩大您的人脉及社交圈。
- The Grid Computing discipline involves the actual networking services. 内容:网格计算。
- Nature Network - a Thinking Person'S Social Network? 自然网-一个理性人的社会性网络?
- Social network is an important branch in sociology study. 摘要社会网络是社会学研究中的一个重要分支领域。
- Not long ago we had unwittingly entered a social network era! 曾几何时我们是社会已经不知不觉进入了网络时代!
- Keywords: Internet, Value-Added Network Services, Information Pu blic Utility. 关键字:网际网路、加值网路服务、资讯公用事业。
- The legal system of social network and a new difficulties. 成为网络世界和法制社会的一个新的难点。
- I briefly examine some key RHEL network services in the following sections. 我简短地在下列的区段中调查一些主要RHEL网络服务。
- Great Wall Broadband Network Service. 长城宽带网络服务有限公司。
- By default, this is the NETWORK SERVICE account. 默认情况下,此标识是NETWORK SERVICE帐户。
- More and more people use Internet services for e-mail (such as Hotmail), blogging (Blogger), social networking (MySpace), mapping (Google Earth) and other tasks. 越来越多人用网际网路服务来收发电子邮件、撰写部落格、建立社交网路、查阅地图和执行其他工作。
- Will the network service be charged ? 网络服务将会被收费吗?
- RFC90 - CCN as a Network Service. 标准互联网络管理框架第三版介绍.