- The moral consciousness of a country. 一个国家的道德观念。
- social morality consciousness 公德意识
- His behavior transgresses social morality. 他的这种行为违背了社会公德。
- Be citizens with social morality in our famous city. 做名城市民,讲社会公德。
- What caused the city's social morality to degenerate? 是什么促使城市的社会道德恶化?
- Social morality is illusive and difficult to define. 社会道德是难以界定、难以定义的。
- You cannot communicate with others if you do not follow the social morality. 不遵守公共准则就无法与人交际。
- You cannot communicate with others if you fail to observe social morality. 不遵守社会公德就无法与人交际。
- A few media are in competition by becloud conscience, while management consciousness increases, moral consciousness is in however wear off. 一些媒体在竞争中被蒙蔽了良知,经营意识增强的同时道德意识却在逐渐减弱。
- Honesty and justice are two fators in evaluating social moral fibre. 诚实和正直是衡量一个社会道德标准的2个方面。
- The bad influence of the internet culture to the minor mainly display that the minor's value be twisted, the moral consciousness be weakened, the self-control ability be reduced. 网络文化对青少年的不良影响主要表现为扭曲青少年的价值观,弱化青少年的道德意识,降低控制青少年犯罪的能力。
- Only trying our best in all the above ways can we take shape good social moral. 坚持教育、示范、导向、奖惩多管齐下,才能推动良好社会风气形成。
- To explain Mishima Yukio's literature consciousness and aesthetic world around the moral consciousness, time consciousness by regarding "breaking the taboo" as the core. 摘要以“打破禁忌”为核心,围绕道德意识、时间意识来阐述三岛的文学意识和美学世界。
- The moral consciousness, moral judgment and selective power of moral behavior have their origins in man's moral existence instead of education acquirement. 人的道德知觉、道德判断力和道德行为选择的能力等,都来源于人的道德存在,而不是通过教育的途径获得的。
- This sort of wrongdoing alienates us from the masses and the cadres and debases social morality. 这使我们脱离群众,脱离干部,把风气搞坏了。
- Women have played an irreplaceable role in enhancing social morality, maintaining social stability. 中国妇女在促进社会道德进步、维护社会稳定方面发挥了不可替代的作用。
- Women have played an irreplaceable role in enhancing social morality,maintaining social stability. 中国妇女在促进社会道德进步、维护社会稳定方面发挥了不可替代的作用。
- In an impassioned book, Stephen Law argues, as Kant did, that moral consciousness is founded on the rock of human reason, and that children need to be taught from the start to think critically about moral judgments. 正如甘地那样,史蒂芬*劳在他激情洋溢的书中写道,道德观念是建立在人类推理的基础之上,我们必须从小教孩子在道德是非问题上认真思考。
- The principles of good faith reflect professional ethics and general social morality. 信守诺言的原则反映了职业道德准则和普遍的社会道德观。