- His behavior transgresses social morality. 他的这种行为违背了社会公德。
- Be citizens with social morality in our famous city. 做名城市民,讲社会公德。
- What caused the city's social morality to degenerate? 是什么促使城市的社会道德恶化?
- Social morality is illusive and difficult to define. 社会道德是难以界定、难以定义的。
- You cannot communicate with others if you do not follow the social morality. 不遵守公共准则就无法与人交际。
- You cannot communicate with others if you fail to observe social morality. 不遵守社会公德就无法与人交际。
- Honesty and justice are two fators in evaluating social moral fibre. 诚实和正直是衡量一个社会道德标准的2个方面。
- Only trying our best in all the above ways can we take shape good social moral. 坚持教育、示范、导向、奖惩多管齐下,才能推动良好社会风气形成。
- This sort of wrongdoing alienates us from the masses and the cadres and debases social morality. 这使我们脱离群众,脱离干部,把风气搞坏了。
- Women have played an irreplaceable role in enhancing social morality, maintaining social stability. 中国妇女在促进社会道德进步、维护社会稳定方面发挥了不可替代的作用。
- Women have played an irreplaceable role in enhancing social morality,maintaining social stability. 中国妇女在促进社会道德进步、维护社会稳定方面发挥了不可替代的作用。
- The principles of good faith reflect professional ethics and general social morality. 信守诺言的原则反映了职业道德准则和普遍的社会道德观。
- Article 5 No patent right shall be granted for any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws of the State or social morality or that is detrimental to public interest. 第五条 对违反国家法律、社会公德或者妨害公共利益的发明创造,不授予专利权。
- Women shall abide by the laws of the state, respect social morality and perform their obligations prescribed by law. 妇女应当遵守国家法律,尊重社会公德,履行法律所规定的义务。
- Each takes its place, does its duties, fulfill its aspirations and abide by the social morality. 各安其位、各尽其责、各遂其志、各循公理;
- A code of social morality is established in accordance with the notions of right and wrong conduct held by a society. 社会道德准则是根据一个社会对于正确与错误行为所持的观念制定的。
- Honesty and rectitude are two of the aspects for the judgement of the social moral standards. 诚实和正直是衡量一个社会道德标准的2个方面。
- The organ from donor,especially the living donor,and selection of recipient are restricted by social morality. 供体,特别是活体器官的摘取,受体的选择等,都受到社会道德观的制约。
- A person can't have any social morality if he doesn't show any virtue in private life. 没有私德就谈不上有公德。
- Women have played an irreplaceable role in enhancing social morality,improving social environment and maintaining social stability. 中国妇女在促进社会文明与道德进步、维护社会稳定方面发挥了不可替代的作用。