- Virtuality and social media are closely tied. 虚拟世界和社会化媒体关系紧密。
- Are Trolls Ruining Social Media? 网络巨魔正在毁掉社会性媒体?
- What we have more especially to indicate is how the social medium nurtures its immature members. 我们必须特别指出的是,社会环境怎样培育未成熟的成员。
- Music is an intensely social medium, most enjoyable when it is discussed and shared with friends. 音乐是一种热情的、社会的媒体,当与朋友们讨论和分享时十分有趣。
- We call it, Social Media Organizer or Social Media aggregator. 我们称之为,社会媒体组织者或社会媒体聚合器。
- The very existence of the social medium in which an individual lives, moves, and has his being is the standing effective agency of directing his activity. 人在社会环境中生活、行动、存在;这种社会环境就是指导他活动的长期有效的力量。
- One strand of massive connectionism is currently called social media. 其中一种大联结主义在最近被称为社交媒体。
- Twain would have loved social media,even at its most bitter, divisive and snarky moments. 即便社会媒体再不堪、再分裂,马克吐温也会喜欢的。
- A social media networking blitz by the White House helped publicise the speech in an effort to generate discussion. 为了引发讨论,白宫的一个社会媒体网络迅速传播这次演讲。
- Social Media FAQ #1: What if they leave negative comments on my site/blog/forum? 社会媒体报道常见问题解答%231:什么,如果他们离开的负面评论在我的网站/博客/论坛?
- "Get over it," Maney said about taking on some of those emerging tools and social media - "Experiment. 所赠送的书籍是近一两年出版的新书,侧重于教学参考书、练习册及部分课外读物;
- But there are disconnects between the new and old media worlds - and social media is the cause. 是我们旳设会还不够开放.;还是我们根本不了解性图片旳美学呢?
- A big part of my responsibilities at TopRank involve the wonderful world of social media. 即然一个精明的营销者能在网上吸引潜在客户,促进销售,不断更新公司和产品信息,那么是时侯引进广告了。
- The most successful social change campaigns don't just rely on social media alone. 最成功的社会变革运动不能只依靠社会性媒体来进行。
- One important aspect of social media optimiza tion is finding individuals interested in your prod ucts or initiatives. 社区媒体优化很重要的一个方面就是找到对你产品有兴趣的个体。
- At the moment we are force-fitting CPM and CPC into social media for want of anything better. 目前我们的力量装修CPM和****融入社会媒体想要什么更好的。
- Facebook 's purchase of FriendFeed, an obscure social media platform, is potentially momentous. 形容词隐藏的,隐匿的;不引人注目的;偏僻的;不出名的,无名的
- The point of using social media for your new hotel is to humanize the business and create an emotional connection with your fans. 用社区媒体来宣传你的新酒店主要就是让你的生意人性化、和粉丝们建立情感联系。
- This is a guest post by Muhammad Saleem, a social media consultant and a top-ranked community member on multiple social news sites. 这是一个客户后,由穆罕默德萨利姆,一个社会的媒体顾问和排名第一的社区成员在多个社会新闻的网站。
- Whether you want to call it a blog or not, social media content production results in an influence platform , not a passive advertising doormat. 您是否想将它命名为博客或没有,社会媒体内容生产的结果影响的平台,而不是一个被动的广告门垫。