- Addressing social injustice in its myriad forms. 以多种形式演说社会的不公平。
- The article lashed out at social injustice. 这篇文章对社会上的不公平现象进行了猛烈抨击。
- What Gissing hates is in fact social injustice. 吉辛认为是贫穷导致穷人染上各种恶习。
- He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices. 他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。
- It is to the students'credit that they hate war and social injustice. 学生们憎恶战争和不公正的社会现象,值得赞许。
- It is to the students' credit that they hate war and social injustice. 学生们憎恶战争和不公正的社会现象,值得赞许。
- His humor is a kind of artistic style used to criticize the social injustice and satirize the decayed romanticism. 他的幽默是对社会不公正和沦丧的浪漫主义的讽刺和批判。
- In victory, Lula has been conciliatory, saying that the “true adversaries” are backwardness and social injustice. 在获胜之后,卢拉已经显示和解态度,他称“真正的对手”是国家退步和社会不公。
- A movement aimed at raising the general public's consciousness of social injustice. 这运动旨在提升大众对社会不义的关怀。
- We hope that someday wars, social injustice, discriminations and oppressions of all kinds will be eliminated. 我们希望有一天战争、社会不公,以及各类的歧视和压迫将被消灭。
- He began to see the nature of that social injustice which sees but one side--often but a single point in a long tragedy. 他开始看清了社会不公正的本质,这种不公正表现在只看到问题的一面--往往只看到一幕漫长的悲剧中的某一时刻。
- Then once again,he chose the most unlikely of subjects for his inspection,and once again he dedicated his comic genius to tackling a great social injustice. 接着他再次从最不起眼的题目找到了灵感,并再度倾注其喜剧上的禀赋,鞭挞了巨大的社会不公。
- As a living memorial to her husbands life and dream, there have been many movements legitimate protesting social injustice since Martin Luther King Jr. Has been assassinated. 自从马丁路德金遇害后,出现过许多抗议社会不公的运动,但许多都失掉了他的精神,就是真正的非暴力精神。
- Then once again, he chose the most unlikely of subjects for his inspection, and once again he dedicated his comic genius to tackling a great social injustice. 接着他再次从最不起眼的题目找到了灵感,并再度倾注其喜剧上的禀赋,鞭挞了巨大的社会不公。
- If they would only seek Him and worship Him alone, forsaking all their idols and the evil of social injustice and oppression, then they would have hope. 如果他们只单单寻求上帝、敬拜上帝,不再拜偶像、行不公义的恶事、压榨别人,那麽她们还有希望。
- The additions: bioethical sins, morally dubious experiments that harm human embryos, drug abuse, polluting, social injustice, accumulating excessive wealth and creating poverty. 新7大罪为:伦理罪、从事基因改造科学实验、滥用药品、污染、社会不公、导致贫穷或少数人过度累积财富。
- The Rawlsian project of trying to describe ideally just institutions is a distracting and ultimately fruitless way to think about social injustice, Mr Sen complains. 他指责罗尔斯竭力想描述理想的公正机构的方案对于思考社会不公平是一条喧宾夺主并且毫无结果的歧途。
- social injustice and official hypocrisy 社会的不公以及政府的虚伪
- He is bold enough to tiltat social injustices. 他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。
- In the new period of building a harmonious society, the Party is facing the following challenges: the mainstream ideology weakening, social injustice being striking and corruptions being nothing new. 摘要在大力构建和谐社会的新时期,我们党面临着主流意识形态淡化、社会不公现象凸显、腐败现象屡禁不止等诸多挑战。