- Social guarantee as being a kind of means for allotting again the civil income, it is consistent with the revenue in fair allotment. 摘要社会保障作为实施国民收入再分配的一种手段和方式,与收入公平分配之间存在正相关。
- Since 1991 the Chinese government has further consolidated the social guarantee for the rights and interests of the elderly. 1991年以来,中国政府加强了对老年人权益的社会保障。
- So, we should emphasize the reform of state enterprise, strengthen the social guarantee system, occupy the international marketplace positively. 为此,应以国企改革为突破口;进一步健全完善社会保障体系;积极抢占国际市场。
- The perfect degree of the social guarantee system decides the formation residents' consume incline or save to incline on a certain degree. 居民消费倾向或是储蓄倾向的形成,在一定程度上受制于社会保障体系的完善程度。
- This paper explores estimation methods of farmland conversion price by quantifying the social guarantee and the food safety value of the farmland. 在此基础上剖析上述五种产权的价值体现,并分别构建补偿价格估算模型,最后归纳出农地征收价格估算模型。
- But in the practice, the specific fulfillment of social guarantee in a way further intensified the injustice in the income allotment, and it is inconsistent with the revenue in fair allotment. 但在实践中,社会保障的具体实施又在一定程度上进一步加剧了收入分配的不公,与收入公平分配又存在负相关。
- Thoughts on collecting the Tax of social guarantee 关于开征社会保障税的思考
- social guarantee system in urban and rural areas 城乡社会保障制度
- labor and social guarantee rights 劳动权
- Not only providing social guarantees to farmer is low level through divide equally the land usage power, but also still hinders the development of the rural economy. 通过均分土地使用权向农民提供的社会保障不仅是低水平的,而且还妨碍了农村经济的发展。
- Probe into Sources of the Social Guarantee Fund in Our Country 我国社会保障基金的来源渠道探讨
- building of work and social guarantee service station 劳动与社会保障服务窗口
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- Her social life get in the way of her study. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。
- Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。
- He didn't want to be tied down to the social work. 他不想被束缚在社会工作上。
- He get weekly social security payment. 他按周领取社会保险金。
- The newspapers played up sensational social news. 各报大肆渲染耸人听闻的社会新闻。
- Correct ideas come from social practice. 正确的思想来自社会实践。