- See the 1998 Statistics Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China,Foreign Languages Press,1999. 参见《中华人民共和国1998年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,外文出版社1999年版。
- Most importantly, NLTP will exert a profound influence on social development of China and the world with the NPO leaders it nurtures. 同时我们也希望能够将非营利的实践和意义介绍给中国大学生和中国社会。
- ABSTRACT The modernization of law is the determinative element for the social development of China, and it is also the symbol of civilization and good images. 内容提要:法律现代化是当代中国社会发展的决定性因素,是树立文明和良好形象的标志。
- It is held that the centralized leadership within the prosecutorial system needs to be further strengthened so as to meet the demand of the social development of China. 加强检察系统的集中领导是当前中国社会发展的需要。
- The sustained,quick and healthy growth of China's economy has raised the level of China's overall social development and conspicuously improved the right to existence and development of the Chinese people. 中国经济持续、快速、健康的发展,使中国社会总体发展水平全面提高,促进了中国人民生存权和发展权的明显改善。
- The sustained, quick and healthy growth of China's economy has raised the level of China's overall social development and conspicuously improved the right to existence and development of the Chinese people. 中国经济持续、快速、健康的发展,使中国社会总体发展水平全面提高,促进了中国人民生存权和发展权的明显改善。
- Under situation of China's development of wealthier country, how to advance the poverty assistance of Tibetan areas is an urgent problem in the province's progress in economic and social development. 摘要在我国进入全面建设小康社会的新形势下,四川藏区如何持续推进扶贫开发工作,乃是当前四川省经济社会发展进程中急需研究和解决的一个重大问题。
- Abstract: Since the inauguration of China’s economic reforms in 1978, the economic and social developments of Tongan qu have attracted domestic and foreign attention. 同安区从中国改革开放以来无论是经济、社会发展的速度都受到国内, 国外人士瞩目。
- The Establishment and Development of China's Legal Aid System. 中国法律援助制度的建立和发展。
- Governed By Law is the Only Road for the Social Development of China 法治化是中国社会发展的必由之路
- Embody the rapid development of China's nuclear power technology. 展现了中国飞速发展的核电技术。
- On the Future Development of China Public Debt and Bonds Markets. 中国公债及其市场的未来发展研究。
- The development of China has a lot to offer the world. 中国的发展是对全球的重大贡献。
- Building socialistic harmonious society is the inner requirement of the social development of modem China. 摘要构建社会主义和谐社会是当代中国社会发展的内在要求。
- The worldview of China, a unique sociological viewpoint in the world, provides guidance for Chinese social development. 摘要中国“天下观”是举世唯一的社会观,为中国社会发展规约了方向。
- As the good friend and partner of Egyptians, China has tried to provide assistance to the economic and social development of Egypt. 作为埃及人民的好朋友、好伙伴,中国对埃及的经济社会发展提供了力所能及的帮助。
- The book traces the history of social development. 这本书追溯了社会发展史。
- In China's long social development, it has quite great impact on forming of sexology and spread of sex knowledge and promoted the development of sex culture in China. 在中国漫长的社会发展中,闹洞房对性科学的形成和性知识的传播产生了相当大的影响,促进了中国性文化的发展。
- In China's long social development,it has quite great impact on forming of sexology and spread of sex knowledge and promoted the development of sex culture in China. 在中国漫长的社会发展中,闹洞房对性科学的形成和性知识的传播产生了相当大的影响,促进了中国性文化的发展。
- Zheng Baowei: Professor, School of Journalism, Renmin University of China; Director, Journalism and social development research center, Renmin University of China. 郑保卫:中国人民大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师;中国人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心主任。