- Carnival is both individual therapy and social criticism. 嘉年华既是个别治疗,也是社会批评。
- The Pioneers and The Prairie struck a recurrent note of social criticism. 《拓荒者》和《草原》奏出了时常可闻的社会批评的音调。
- What with police attention and social criticism,the place got too hot for him. 警察盯上了他,社会上又议论纷纷,这地方他是呆不下去了。
- Hebert Marcuse's idea or theory about technology is mainly a social criticism. 摘要马尔库塞的技术概念的本质是社会批判。
- French critic who applied semiology, the study of signs and symbols, to literary and social criticism. 巴尔泰斯,罗兰:(95-980)法国批评家,她将手势和记号的符号学用于文学和社会批评中
- Dr. John Rue, headmaster of London's Westminster School and a leading social critic, accepts this thesis. 伦敦的威斯敏特学院院长、著名的社会批评家约翰·雷伊博士,同意这篇论文的观点。
- By portraying the characters of the three classes, Dickens aims to integrate social criticism and moral instruction. 狄更斯通过全面塑造当时社会中的三个典型阶级实现了一种社会批判与道德教化的完美契合。
- Abstract:Hebert Marcuse's idea or theory about technology is mainly a social criticism. 摘要:马尔库塞的技术概念的本质是社会批判。
- It's one that stay-at-home advocate, writer and social critic Caitlin Flanagan would more UGG Bootslikely cringe at. 蒸发器,又称冷风机。是制冷系统中与冷库进行热交换,减低冷库温度的重要制冷部件。
- Playing an important role in literary therapy, it turns from grand social criticism to revealing and expressing the ailment of ordinary people. 新时期文学出现的病房写作则从社会宏大主题的批判走向了平常百姓病痛的抒泄和呢喃,具有文学治疗的功用。
- The art of Blue Noses, as a worldview, tends sooner to the Rabelais-like simple-hearted clear thinking, than to social criticism. 蓝鼻子的艺术,作为一种世界观,比起社会批判来讲,不如说更像是拉伯雷式的简单,明晰的思考。
- Patricia Ticineto Clough, The End(s) of Ethnography: From Realism to Social Criticism, 2nd Ed., 1998, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York. 翁开诚主编,<主体性的探究与实践>,应用心理研究第16期,2002年,五南出版。
- For instance, some reviewers have termed Holt a "social critic" or "public intellectual" rather than just a school reformer. 例如,有些为他的书写书评的人干脆把霍尔特称为“社会批评家”或“大众知识分子”,而不仅仅是教育改革家而已。
- Spitting in public became socially criticized. 在公共场所吐痰更是受到指责。
- Aesthetic form is the core of social criticism and aesthetic philosophy of H.Marcuse, also the best characteristic part in his philosophy. 摘要审美形式是马尔库塞社会批判和审美哲学的核心,也是他的审美哲学中最具新意最有特色的部分。
- Woolf's own social criticism is expressed in the language of observation rather than in direct commentary, since for her, fiction is a contemplative, not an active art. 伍尔夫本人的社会批评是用观察的语言而非直接评论的方式来表达的,因为对她来说,小说是一种思索性。
- By portraying the characters of the three classes-the aristocracy, the middle class and the proletariat, Dickens aims to integrate social criticism and moral instruction. 在其中,狄更斯通过全面塑造当时社会中的三个典型阶级:贵族阶级、中产阶级和无产阶级,实现了一种社会批判与道德教化的完美契合。
- Emerson's great reputation as a spokesman for American Transcendentalism makes quite a few readers neglect the fact that he is also a very incisive social critic. 摘要爱默森对超越主义的大力提倡,使不少读者忽略他同时也是一位敏锐的社会批评家。
- Finally , the painterly shift in images created by Yang Mian produces a two-way social criticism: a snub to academics and a challenge to commercial culture. 杨冕的作品正是在这个基点上获得更深的意义空间,展示出新一代画家的个性化特征。
- Woolf’s own social criticism is expressed in the language of observation rather than in direct commentary, since for her, fiction is a contemplative, not an active art. 伍尔芙将自己的社会批判以观察的语言而不是直接的评论来表现,因为对她而言,小说是一门沉思凝想的艺术而非一门积极干预生活的艺术。