- In addition,most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances. 另外,我们大部分人与相同社会背景的人一起长大。
- In addition, most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances. 另外,我们大部分人与相同社会背景的人一起长大。
- Human conduct is affected in different ways by contingent social circumstances. 人的行为受可能发生的社会情况的不同影响。
- These different trends of marriage age in the 87 years reflect the social circumstances and development in the U.S. 87年里不同的婚龄趋势反映了美国的社会形势及发展。
- Economic and social circumstances continued to weaken its power to influence events, and yet it remained a player in the game. 经济和社会状况继续削弱着它影响事态发展的能力。它仍然是勾心斗角的角逐中的一方。
- So the social constructionist psychology insists that the envy is aroused by the social circumstances. 社会建构论心理学因此主张,嫉妒是由特定的社会情境所引发的。
- Directed by Costa Gavras (Amen), Jose Garcia displays flawless comic timing in his nuanced performance as Bruno, a man driven to desperate acts by heartless social circumstances. 在导演哥士达.加夫卡的指导下,祖斯.加西亚把般奴这个被无情的商业社会迫至挺而走险的人之心路历程演绎得淋漓尽致。
- The dissimilation of domestic cooperatives is not only a result of effects of social circumstances, but also an active choice of favorable situations for its own development. 可以说,目前国内合作社的“异化”,既是社会环境影响的结果,也是专业合作社为了自身发展而对有利发展条件的主动选择。
- Under the present social circumstances, the future trend of the supply of public goods should be building a diversified open system dominated by the government. 在当今社会背景下,公共产品的未来供给趋势应该是以政府为主导,建立多元化的开放主体体系。
- In this story,the social circumstances under which Miranda lives,the insecurity in her unconsciousness and the writer's experience are the causes of the consciousness. 在《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中,米兰达的死亡意识更是得到了充分地展现。 米兰达所处的特定的社会环境、她的潜意识中的不安全感以及作者的亲身经历无不成为小说中随处可见的死亡意识的原因。
- The various customs of self-deforming ornaments such as foot-binding, tooth-digging, flesh-perforating and skin-pricking result from a good many factors in special social circumstances. 摘要缠足、凿齿、肉体上穿孔、皮肤上扎针等多种形式的自残装饰习俗,是特定社会环境中诸多因素的产物。
- However,in the hostile social circumstances and helpless conditions,and among faint-hearted males,Beatrice stands out with a banner of revolt against the individual tyrant and the evil society. 诗剧女主角贝特丽采命运多舛,处于恶劣的社会环境和无助的境地。
- But with the great changing of the social circumstance, it shows high unfitness to change. 党希望这一制度可以克服党与官僚制、中央与地方、职能分工与整体协调的冲突。
- Social Circumstances and Youngsters Crime 社会环境与青少年犯罪
- The task of searching for a way that can adapt to the social circumstance, and that also has pertinence is absolutely very challenging and interesting. 寻求既适应社会大环境又具有针对性的发展道路,无疑是具有一定理论意义和实际意义的工作。
- In designing institutions they undertake to avail themselves of the accidents of nature and social circumstance only when doing so is for the common benefit. 在社会制度的构建过程当中,人们会不遗余力的使自然与社会的偶发因素有利于公众的利益。
- However, under particular social circumstance, the Movement was oppugned and misunderstood by the leftists, and even labeled as "the Fascist literature". 但在特定的历史语境下,“民族文学运动”曾受到左翼革命话语的种种质疑和误读,甚至被扣上法西斯文艺的帽子。
- In the meantime, I would like to indicate how the possibility of persistency will culture system do create under the transformation of social circumstance? 同时我也想讨论一个文化体系是否可以在它的社会环境变迁之下产生持续的可能?
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- The paper discussed the reasons of deficiency of trustworthiness in medical students,both factors from social circumstance and students themselves were important reasons. 临床医学生诚信缺失主要表现在缺乏严谨工作作风、抄袭、作弊等方面。