- In this phase, social and historical criticism was outshining all the others. 主要表现在以下几个方面:第一,从人性论角度研究文学,运用马克思主义人道主义精神阐释古代文学的现代价值。
- Fully affirming Chinese Reportage with social and historical criticism as a dominant tendency, at the same time, it also points out its existent latent crisis. 文章在充分肯定近百年来以社会一历史批评为主导的中国报告文学研究格局的同时,又指出其存在的潜在危机。
- It is stressed in this paper that the theoretical combination of formalistic criticism and social and historical criticism is also a combination of analysis of texts' form and their cultural contexts. 本文认为,洛特曼一直在探寻一种能够把形式主义批评与社会历史批评结合起来的理论途径,也就是把空间的静态分析与历史的动态分析融合起来,把本文的形式研究与文化的语境研究联系起来。
- social and historic criticism 社会历史批评
- Flaubert in the eyeshot of social and historical criticism 社会历史批评视野中的福楼拜
- Social and Historical criticism 社会历史批评
- Social and historic perspective has been the mainstream approach in the history of Flaubert study. 在福楼拜研究史上,社会历史批评曾是主导性的批评方法之一。
- This paper discuses the social and historic reasons behind family stress in Chinese cultural environment from the macro-level. 本研究从宏观脉动入手,在中国文化环境、尤其是当代城市生活时空下关注家庭压力背后的社会历史原因。
- They can use Bixing technique in the poems more deeply and connotatively than the yore.Most of their implications are the social and historic great events and seldom of them are the private interests. 他们在咏史诗中对比兴手法比的使用比前代更加得深沉、含蓄,所喻指的对象也多是社会历史大事,斤斤于个人一己之得失的诗作很少;
- We are summoned by this honored and historic duty. 我们被光荣的历史使命所召唤。
- In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context. 在本课程中,我们希望从社会和历史背景的整体结构来看文学。
- It is an exciting, modern and historic city. 她是一座令人激动的、现代的、历史性的城市。
- For the compromise of all the social factors, the social and historical movements display the features of inheritance, graduality and circularity. 正是社会各因素“调和”的作用,社会历史运动呈现承续性、渐变性、循环性的特点。
- In fact , the birth and development of every language was in the specific social and historical environment . 每一种语言都是在具体的特定的社会历史环境中产生和发展起来的。
- Of course,there are definite social and historical reasons for this ideological confusion,and it cannot be dealt with in a crude way. 当然,产生这类思想混乱有一定的社会历史原因,决不能用简单粗暴的方法来对待。
- Of course, there are definite social and historical reasons for this ideological confusion, and it cannot be dealt with in a crude way. 当然,产生这类思想混乱有一定的社会历史原因,决不能用简单粗暴的方法来对待。
- Most French towns and villages are quietly attractive and historic. 法国大部分的城镇与乡村历史悠久,极具吸引力。
- When and under what social and historical circumstances was Arirang promoted to the supreme position of nationality carol and nationality spirit? 1,阿里郎是在什么时候(历史时期)、在什么样的社会历史背景下,提升到民族之歌、民族之魂的至高地位的。
- Before and after the liberation, the unique socio-economic patterns in Xishuang-banna resulted in a special social and historical change. 摘要西双版纳解放前后因其特有的社会经济形态而引起了特殊的社会历史改革。
- Ideas and concepts, even paradigms, come to fruition because of their social and historical milieu, as Merton and others have so aptly shown. 思想和观念,甚至范式因其社会和历史环境而成熟,正如默顿以及其他人适当表明的一样。