- They pressed on in spite of the snow storm. 他们不顾暴风雪继续前进。
- Traffic was disrupted by the snow storm. 交通因暴风雪而中断。
- The traffic is interrupted by a snow storm. 交通被暴风雪中断了。
- The New Year came in with heavy snow storms. 在大雪纷飞中新年来到了。
- Men to shovel snow were in demand after the snow storm. 暴风雪后需要铲雪工人。
- Very few people venture to go out at night in a snow storm. 很少有人敢在暴风雪晚上出去。
- Despite the snow storm they persisted in marching ahead. 尽管有大风雪,他们坚持向前挺进。
- The bus held up by the snow storm, thus causing the delay. 公共汽车被暴风雪所阻,因而耽误了。
- The airport was closed because of the heavy snow storm. 由于暴风雪的影响,机场被迫关闭了。
- It is the severest snow storm in the last five years. 这么大的暴风雪,是近五年来所仅见的。
- A snow storm put them out of commission and they lost the football game. 一场暴风雪使他们发挥不了作用。结果他们输掉了那场足球赛。
- The weather broadcast made an advance information about a snow storm. 天气预报事先报道了一场暴风雪的消息。
- Having walked in a snow storm for several hours, they all flaked out as soon as they came back. 他们在暴风雪中一连走了好几小时,一回来就倒下睡觉了。
- Because of the severe snow storm,I couldn't get home that night,and had to stop over in a hotel. 那夜晚,由于风雪太大,我无法赶回家,只好在一家旅馆住了一夜。
- It is common for travelers on the prairie to lose their way,especially in a snow storm. 在草原上旅行迷路是经常的事,尤其是遇上风暴时更是这样。
- Having walked in a snow storm for several hours,they all flaked out as soon as they came back. 他们在暴风雪中一连走了好几小时,一回来就倒下睡觉了。
- Therefore, I shouldn't eat too much curry because it will cause another snow storm. 所以我不能吃太多咖喱,因为那会引起暴风雪。
- Chaplin and his friend are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snow storm in a small wooden house. 卓别林和他的朋友被暴风雪困在了山边的一座小木屋里。
- Chaplin and his friend are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snow storm in small wooden house. 卓别林和他的朋友被一场暴风雪困在山边的一座小木屋里。
- It is common for travelers on the prairie to lose their way, especially in a snow storm. 在草原上旅行迷路是经常的事,尤其是遇上风暴时更是这样。