- There were serious snow disasters in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Jilin and Sichuan, which has led to the death of 1.2 million livestock. The direct economic loss is over 2 billion yuan. 内蒙古、新疆、吉林、四川四省(区)发生了较大的雪灾,因灾死亡牲畜120多万头(只),直接经济损失20多亿元。
- There were serious snow disasters in Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang,Jilin and Sichuan,which has led to the death of 1.2 million livestock. The direct economic loss is over 2 billion yuan. 内蒙古、新疆、吉林、四川四省(区)发生了较大的雪灾,因灾死亡牲畜120多万头(只),直接经济损失20多亿元。
- Snowslide,The Flow of snow in wind,firn,it is snow Disaster in alp. 雪崩、风吹雪及厚层积雪,是高山和严寒地区特有的一种自然灾害。
- The insurer will make sure your damnify paid in the snow disaste. 保险公司会赔偿你在雪灾中所蒙受的经济损失。
- Early in 2008, by the large low-temperature rare frozen snow disasters, Chen International Grid damaged assets, the company invested about 5 billion yuan of funds for power grid restoration. 2008年初,受百年不遇的特大低温雨雪冰冻灾害影响,郴电国际电网资产损毁严重,公司投入约5亿元资金用于电网恢复重建。
- The insurer will pay your damnify which you lost in the snow disaste. 保险公司会赔偿你在雪灾中所蒙受的经济损失。
- low-temperature freezing rain and snow disasters 低温雨雪冰冻灾害
- freezing rain and snow disasters 雨雪冰冻灾害
- The insurance agent will be sure to compensate for your economic damnify in the snow disaster. 保险公司会赔偿你在雪灾中所蒙受的经济损失。
- Establishment of snow disaster remote sensing monitoring and damage estimation systems in Altai pastoral region of Xinjiang. 新疆阿勒泰牧区雪灾遥感监测体系构建与灾害评价系统研究
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year 's snow disaster , another series of farces, calamity and cabals come out...... 然而;当国人刚刚从上一年来大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来时;一连串闹剧;阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster,another series of farces,calamity and cabals come out. 然而;当国人刚刚从上年末大范围的雪灾阴影中走出来的时候;一连串闹剧;阴谋与灾难;就迫不及待的上演.
- As soon as wehabe just walked out of the last year's snow disaster ,another series of farces ,calamity and cabals come out .. 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来时候,一连串闹剧阴谋与灾难就迫不及待开始上演。。。
- As soon as we have just walked out of the snow disaster last year, another series of farces, calamity, and cabals come out. 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串闹剧、阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- It was the latest in a string of hotel disasters. 那是一系列的饭店事故中最新发生的一起。
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster,another series of farces,calamity and cabals come out...... 然而,当国人感刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串闹剧、阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- It was said this snow disaster is the heavist within 50 years.Freezing Disaster affected the production and living of people dramaticly. 据悉,此次雪灾是50年以来最严重的,冰冻灾害给人民群众生产生活带来了重大的影响。
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster, another series of farces, calamity and cabals come out.......... 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影走出来的时候,一连串闹剧,阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演.
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- As soon as we have just walked out of last year's snow disaster, another series of farces, calamities and cabals come out... 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串闹剧、阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演。。。。。。