- Snowslide,The Flow of snow in wind,firn,it is snow Disaster in alp. 雪崩、风吹雪及厚层积雪,是高山和严寒地区特有的一种自然灾害。
- The insurance agent will be sure to compensate for your economic damnify in the snow disaster. 保险公司会赔偿你在雪灾中所蒙受的经济损失。
- Establishment of snow disaster remote sensing monitoring and damage estimation systems in Altai pastoral region of Xinjiang. 新疆阿勒泰牧区雪灾遥感监测体系构建与灾害评价系统研究
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year 's snow disaster , another series of farces, calamity and cabals come out...... 然而;当国人刚刚从上一年来大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来时;一连串闹剧;阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster,another series of farces,calamity and cabals come out. 然而;当国人刚刚从上年末大范围的雪灾阴影中走出来的时候;一连串闹剧;阴谋与灾难;就迫不及待的上演.
- As soon as wehabe just walked out of the last year's snow disaster ,another series of farces ,calamity and cabals come out .. 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来时候,一连串闹剧阴谋与灾难就迫不及待开始上演。。。
- As soon as we have just walked out of the snow disaster last year, another series of farces, calamity, and cabals come out. 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串闹剧、阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster,another series of farces,calamity and cabals come out...... 然而,当国人感刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串闹剧、阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- It was said this snow disaster is the heavist within 50 years.Freezing Disaster affected the production and living of people dramaticly. 据悉,此次雪灾是50年以来最严重的,冰冻灾害给人民群众生产生活带来了重大的影响。
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster, another series of farces, calamity and cabals come out.......... 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影走出来的时候,一连串闹剧,阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演.
- As soon as we have just walked out of last year's snow disaster, another series of farces, calamities and cabals come out... 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串闹剧、阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演。。。。。。
- As soon as we have just walked out of last year's snow disaster,another series of farces,calamity and cabals come out...... 然而;当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候;一连串闹剧、阴谋和灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster,another series of faces,calamity and cabals come out... 然而,当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串闹剧,阴谋与灾难迫不及待的上开始上演。。。。
- Through the analysis on the status of snow cover and temperature changes, effects of snow disaster on overwintering crops in 2008 were studied. 摘要通过对积雪和温度变化状况等的分析,研究了2008年雪灾对越冬作物的可能的影响。
- The insurer will make sure your damnify paid in the snow disaste. 保险公司会赔偿你在雪灾中所蒙受的经济损失。
- As sonn an we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster,another series of farces,calamity and cabals come out... 然而;当国人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中下次出来的时候;一连串闹剧/阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演......
- Parts of area encountered low temperature disaster or snow disaster in the winter, the spring and the fall.The south maintained durative high temperature in the summer. 全国年平均气温较常年明显偏高,但阶段性起伏变化较大,冬、春、秋季部分地区遭受低温冻害或雪灾,夏季南方出现持续高温天气。
- Shenzhen is a very lucky city.Many parts of China, especially northern of China, are having serious snow disaster, which is so called so La Nina phenomenon. 深圳真的是非常幸运的一个城市了,中国的很多地方尤其是北方都出现了很严重的雪灾,说是什么“拉尼娜现象”。
- The conditions of geology and geography are complex, snowslide and drifting snow occur frequently, so this place becomes one of the most serious snow disaster area in Xinjiang. 新疆精伊霍铁路所经过的天山支脉科古琴山南坡的地质、地理条件复杂,是新疆雪害发生严重的地区之一,雪崩和风吹雪灾害都很发育。
- The Chifeng center branch office to donates money 25500 Yuan from the south snow disaster area and the Sichuan earthquake disaster area's 51 Chifeng institute student. 赤峰中心支公司向来自南方雪灾地区和四川地震灾区的51名赤峰学院学生捐款25500元。