- A common prehistoric tool of stone or metal, shaped like a chisel or ax head. 斧,锛头史前一种象凿子或斧头的石质或金属质普通工具
- A common prehistoric tool of stone or metal,shaped like a chisel or ax head. 斧,锛头史前一种象凿子或斧头的石质或金属质普通工具
- Small single bed makes the cubby also does not appear crowded, white bedding is to let eye shot feel broad more. 小小的单人床使小房间也不显得拥挤,白色的床上用品更是让视野觉得宽广。
- In line with the corrosion of main equipment in medium and small single superphosphate plants, an inquiry is made into the use of polypropylene plastics in mixers, agitator propellers and the fluorine recovery system for prevention of corrosion. 结合中、小过磷酸钙生产企业在生产中存在的主要设备腐性问题,探讨了聚丙烯塑料在混合器防腐、搅拌桨防腐处理及在氟回收系统中的应用情况。
- Forming a single axis at each branching, as certain flower clusters. 单茎轴的在每一分枝形成单轴,如某些花束
- Effects of temperature and moisture on the finished-form and browning of texturized protein products extrudedwith a small single type extruder from crushed raw soybean were studied in this paper . 以冷榨豆饼为原料,在小型单螺干挤压机上,研究了温度和水分对组织蛋白产品成型和褐变的影响,并探讨了成型与褐变的机理。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- A crystal form consisting of three or more similar faces parallel to a single axis. 斜方晶有三个或三个以上类似的面,且各面均平行于一根轴的一种晶体形式
- After he had squared up miles of forest in a half-hour, he would take an axe head and tie a long rope to it. 他半小时内就能做好砍伐树林的准备工作,然后,总是把神斧系在一根长绳上。
- Mean bore diameter: arithmetical mean of the largest and smallest single bore diameters in one plane. 平均内径:同一平面上最大和最小内径的算术平均值。
- The axe has many forms and specialized uses but generally consists of an axe head with a handle. 斧头有很多种形状,从用途区分也有很多种,但通常来说用一个斧状头部和柄。
- A fruit formed from several separate flowers crowded on a single axis, as a mulberry or pineapple. 由聚集在单个花轴上的几个分离花形成的果实,如桑葚和菠萝。
- He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire. 他开始只经营一家小工厂,如今已成为一个石油大企业的头儿。
- TheNBBG type is a compact single axis actuator, which integrates a slide guide and precision ball screw. NB传动模组是一种紧凑型单轴驱动器,其中集成了导轨和精密滚珠丝杠。
- When vibration of single axis tested, the accelerometer on resistor measures acceleration. 振动试验时器件上的加速度计采集加速度。
- But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! For it was borrowed. 有一人砍树的时候,斧头掉在水里,他就呼叫说,哀哉。我主阿,这斧子是借的。
- Within either type of division, the battalion was the IJA's smallest single tactical unit capable of conducting independent combat operations. 在两种师团中,大队是日本帝国军中能够独立执行作战任务的最小独立战术单位。
- The Single Axis Robot KA is actuated by a motor-driven ballscrew and is guided by a linear guideway. 在单轴驱动机器人的KA由电动机驱动滚珠丝杠,由一个线性导轨指导。The stage base is a lightweight design made of aluminum.;该阶段的基础是一个轻量级的设计铝合金制成的。It is suitable for semiconductor and industrial automation applications
- Small Single Room included Two breakfast 小单间含双份早餐
- The machine integer was single axis traction type with electromotion and hand operation. 同时,对整机的自动控制进行了研究,实现了可自动光控、温控及手动卷帘。