- small muscles group 小肌肉群
- These types of cramps usually effect the smaller muscle groups such as the jaw, eyelids, larynx, etc. 这种抽筋通常发生在小肌群,比如下颚、眼皮、喉部等。
- This exhausts the small muscles in the hand and wrist. 这会只使用到手和手腕上的小肌肉。
- Paralysis of a single limb, muscle, or muscle group. 单瘫指单一肢体、肌肉或一组肌肉的瘫痪
- small muscle group 小肌肉群
- Dr.Nigg says he has found that wearing MBTs works small muscles around the ankles, improving the wearer's balance over time. 尼格医生说,他发现,穿着MBT鞋子可以让脚踝周边的小肌肉动起来,假以时日便可以提高穿着者的平衡能力。
- Paralysis of a single limb,muscle,or muscle group. 单瘫指单一肢体、肌肉或一组肌肉的瘫痪
- Paralysis of a single.limb,muscle,or muscle group. 单瘫指单一肢体、肌肉或一组肌肉的瘫痪
- They can involve part or a whole muscle group. 这可能影响到部分或整个肌群。
- A naturally produced toxin, botulinum (Botox(tm)), can also be injected to "relax" the small muscles and thus eliminate fixed expression lines (frown lines). 自然生产的肉毒杆菌,同样可以用来注射,使得小范围内的肌肉“放松”,并消除肌肉运动带来的皱纹。
- To learn to control small muscles, particularly in the hands and fingers, they need to color with crayons, put together puzzles, use blunt-tipped scissors, and zip jackets. 学习如何控制小肌肉,特别是手和手指,他们需要用彩色蜡笔,拼图,安全剪刀和拉拉链来练习。
- Sternal muscles include two muscle groups. 腹板肌包括两个肌群。
- The drug goes to work within 30 to 40 seconds by paralyzing the small muscles of the fingers, toes, and eyes, and then moves into the the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. 药物将在30-40秒内产生效力,首先是麻痹手指、脚趾以及眼睛的少量的肌肉。接着又深入到肋间肌肉及横膈膜中。
- Single-leg training enhances focus on individual muscle group. 单腿训练可加强针对式的肌肉锻鍊。
- What is your biggest and smallest muscle? 你的最大的和最小的肌肉是什么?
- The brachioadialis is the most anterior member of the superficial muscle group. 肱桡肌是浅肌群中最前的一块。
- He looked around the small group of mourners. 他环顾一下那一小群的送葬者。
- His smallest muscle stands out hard and firm like a whipcord. 他最小的一条筋都暴栗起来,坚硬如钢,像鞭绳一样。
- Muscles most often affected include those in your calves, arms, abdomen and back, although heat cramps may involve any muscle group involved in the exercise. 尽管热痉挛经常包括运动部位的肌肉,但包括腓肌、手臂、腹部和背部肌肉都可能会受影响。
- What muscle groups are you planning to exercise today? 你今天打算锻炼哪些肌肉?