- Making small models requires manual skill. 制作小模型要手巧。
- A usually small model of an intended work, such as a sculpture or piece of architecture. 设计模型雕塑或建筑物等拟作作品的通常很小的模型
- A small model house used as a children's toy or to display miniature dolls and furniture. 玩具屋儿童放玩具的小屋
- A usually small model of an intended work,such as a sculpture or piece of architecture. 设计模型雕塑或建筑物等拟作作品的通常很小的模型
- In the small bathroom, the hand wash basin and the chamberpot use the small model as far as possible, saves the limited space. 在小浴室中,洗手盆和马桶尽可能用较小的型号,以节省有限的空间。
- In contractible-scaled measurement, the small model was measured at low altitude to equal the actual measurement of large target at high altitude. 摘要缩比测试是在较低高度下对满足缩比条件的小目标进行测试,以等效在真实高度下对大目标进行测试的情况。
- Less than 24 hours after Rolls-Royce revealed it would develop a new small model, Maybach was saying it might do something very similar. 在劳斯莱斯宣布将推出新款小型车型不到24小时,迈巴赫即表示它有可能推出类似的车型。
- The effect of combustor pressure on soot concentrati on and flame radiation was investigated in a small model gas turbine combustor with an air-blast atomizer. 在一个小型高压燃烧试验台上研究了燃烧室采用空气雾化喷嘴后,燃烧室压力对燃烧室内烟粒浓度和火焰辐射的影响。
- The displacement boundary values of the small model use the results of the large model,which are obtained by interpolating with numerical inverse isoparametric mapping. 二次细分网格位移边界值采用等参逆变换法由一次网格的计算结果插值得到。
- There must be some misunderstanding,I thought I ordered the smaller model. 一定是搞错了,我以为我订的是更小型号的。
- For small models we can use as weights containers filled with lead shot. 对于小模型,可用装满铅丸的容器作为砝码。
- In 1960 Peugeot changed from being a specialist to a generalist: the production of classic sedans and small models. 1960年标志汽车从专业化走向多样化:生产小型轿车和经典私家车.
- Such a model could be on the market by 2012, but the addition of such a small model could make pricing tight between the Cruze, Malibu, LaCrosse and smaller Buick model. 这种模式可在市场上,到2012年,但除了这样一个小模型可以定价之间的Cruze紧凑,马利布,别克Lacrosse和规模较小的模式.
- The small gauges are indicated for experiments on small models and for measurement of small details. 计量长度较小的应变计,适用于小模型实验与小的细部量测。
- Concert grand with the same basic construction and features as the smaller model B. Very common concert instrument all over the world, designed about 100 years ago. 音乐会大相同的基本结构和功能的小模型湾非常常见的音乐会演奏乐器的世界各地,设计约100年前。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。
- A ragged shout went up from the small crowd. 这一小群人发出了刺耳的喊叫。
- I hit on the book in a small book shop. 我在一家小书店里偶然发现了这本书。