- small inland town 内地小镇
- At present Zhanglin is an inland town. 您别看现在的樟林是一个内陆乡镇。
- Many inland towns are built along rivers. 许多内陆城镇建在沿海地带。
- The economy of inland towns develops less quickly than coastal cities. 内地城镇经济的发展不如沿海城市的速度快。
- The economy of the inland towns and cities of our country also develops rapidly in recent years. 近几年, 我国内地城镇经济发展也很快。
- Five hit the ports of Ashkelon and Ashdod as well as the inland towns of Beersheva and Sderot. 亚实基隆和阿什杜德的海港以及内陆城镇贝尔谢巴和斯德洛特被5枚火箭弹击中。
- A high wall fetched in an ancient small town. 一道高高的城墙围绕着一座小小的古城。
- Sheet metal welding of superstructure of small inland boat 内河小型船舶上层建筑的薄板焊接
- There's not much night-life in this small town. 这个小镇里没有什麽夜生活。
- That small town is the last far-flung outpost of our country. 那个小城镇是我们国家一个遥远的前哨基地。
- James and Andrew, who had begun by hauling goods in covered wagons from Savannah to Georgia's inland towns, had prospered into a store of their own, and Gerald prospered with them. 吉姆斯和安德鲁,起初通过用大篷车从萨凡纳往佐治亚洲的内地城镇贩货发展到拥有了自己的铺子,杰拉尔德他们一起发了迹。
- This small town only has one rinky-dink restaurant. 这个小镇只有一家陈旧破烂的便宜餐厅。
- There was a priory in the small town. 这个小镇里有个小修道院。
- They kept a small hotel in the town. 他们在城里开了一家小旅店。
- That singer cut a swath on the stage in the small town. 那个歌手在这个小镇的舞台上出尽了风头。
- A bicycle is a real boon when you live in a small town. 住在小城镇上,有辆自行车确实极为方便。
- They eventually came to the small town? 他们终於抵达那个小镇。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。