- small dose neutron 小剂量中子
- Objective To observe the transient effect of inject ion of small dose of reserpine into Quchi( LI11) on blood pressure. 目的:观察曲池穴注射小剂量利血平即时降压效应。
- Objective: To evaluate the effects of small dose of insulin on feeding intolerance in preterm infants. 目的:评估小剂量胰岛素治疗早产儿喂养不耐受的疗效。
- Objective:to observe the effect of small dose buprenorphine (Bup) maintenance in the treatment of heroin addicts. 目的··:观察小剂量Bup片在定期随诊、心理诱导、家庭监护情况下,对海洛因依赖者脱毒后巩固治疗的影响。
- The results showed small dose midazolam did not influence the waves of ECOG during operation. 本结果提示小剂量咪唑安定对皮层脑电图无明显影响。
- We use in-the-hole drill rigs to stratify, separate, smooth, blasting by small dose techniques. 本合同段拟采用潜孔钻机布孔进行分层、分段、光面、小药量控制爆破技术施工。
- But after most patient stops drug amenorrhoea, can use booth of small dose bromic concealed to maintain only. 但多数患者停药后又闭经,只能用小剂量溴隐亭维持。
- Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of doxepin in a small dose on opioid protracted abstinence symptoms. 目的:评估小剂量多虑平对阿片类稽延性戒断症状的临床疗效。
- It is those who reduce deputy reaction to produce frequency and serious rate, cure should be begun by small dose. 为降低副反应的发生频率和严重程度,治疗应由小剂量开始。
- Experimental Study on Port-Wine Stain Treated by Small Dose HpD and Variable Pulsed 532nm Laser[J]. 引用该论文 秦梅香;朱菁;袁霞雯;张慧国;包晓青;周琳;施虹敏;张美珏;聂凡.
- If fetal age < 34 weeks, to raise fetal survival rate, can consider to should use treatment of small dose heparin. 如果胎龄<34周,为提高胎儿成活率,可考虑应用小剂量肝素治疗。
- Aim To find methods of reducing generation of burnt head in small dose injection. 目的寻找在小容量注射剂生产中减少"焦头"废品产生的方法。
- We've started her at a yoga class and the US Doctor prescribes a very small dose of Valium if needed. 我们想知道是否她需要继续服用你们的中药。
- Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating. 小剂量可抑制唾液分泌、支气管分泌及出汗。
- When a small dose of arsenic trioxide was infected, the CAT activity went up slightly.While, when the concentratio... 小剂量时,CAT活性升高,浓度增大时,CAT活性下降。
- I can cope with her in small doses(= for short amounts of time). 我只能跟她应付片刻。
- Objective To study the clinical effect of a small dose of erythromycin for the preterm infants with gastrointentinal dysfunction. 目的探讨小剂量红霉素治疗早产儿胃肠道功能紊乱的疗效。
- A small dose of lipopolysaccharide( LPS) was administered intraperitoneally once to aggravate endotoxemia of animal with cirrhosis. 腹腔内一次性注射小剂量内毒素以加重肝硬化动物的内毒素血症。
- A combination sirolimus and small dose of FK506 was adopted in 34 cases,combined with MMF in 9 cases,and with neoural in 2 cases. 34例联合应用小剂量FK506,9例联合应用骁悉,2例联合应用新山地明。
- Objective: To explore the effectiveness of Small dose urokinase with fraxiparine in treatment of acute progressing Cerebral infarction and nursing. 目的:探讨小剂量尿激酶联合速避凝治疗急性进展性脑梗死的疗效及护理。