- The phone has a small computer in it. 这种电话里有一个小型计算机.
- A small computer, usually fitting within a single cabinet, that has more memory and a higher execution speed than a microcomputer. 小型计算机一种比微型计算机内存容量大且运行速度高的小型计算机,通常可装入一个机柜
- Diskette: A thin, flexible magnetic disk often used On small computer systems. 软盘:薄而柔韧的软磁盘,通常用于小型计算机系统。
- Number of tape devices that share a small computer system interface (SCSI) bus. 共享一个小型计算机系统接口(SCSI)总线的磁带设备数。
- Microcomputer is a very small computer,such as a laptop or personal computer. 微机计算机是一种非常小的计算机,如膝上机或个人计算机。
- Pertaining to a small computer in which inputs are by keyboard and inputs and outputs are displayed on the screen of an ( integral ) cathode ray tube. 用于修饰或说明小型计算机,用键盘输入,输入和输出可显示在(内装的)阴极射线管的屏幕上。
- He bought a new stereo system; the unit consists of a motor and a small computer. 他买了一套新的立体音响系统。含有一个发动机和一台小电脑。
- With prices sliding fast, small computers are becoming popular. 随着价格快速下降,小型电脑正变得越来越受欢迎。
- SCSI: SCSI is the acronym for"small computer system interface". Pronounced "scuzzy". 小型电脑系统接驳器:英文是[小型电脑接驳器]的字首字。
- Google will need a lot more than Sony's relatively small computer market share to make a dent. 索尼在电脑市场上的份额相对较小,谷歌将需要比这多很多的份额才能造成影响。
- If we wish to check the structure for a significant number of hypotheses, the use of a small computer facilitates the extensive summation processes. 如果要计算未知数很多的结构,使用小型计算机能使大量求和过程更简便。
- Where are j your smaller computers? 你们的小型电脑在哪里?
- Where are your smaller computers? 你们的小型电脑在那里?
- That small computer terminal to your right keeps us in 24-hour a day contact with all our overseas branches and relays incoming messages to their correct locations. 你们右边的那台小电脑终端机,使我们一天二十四小时和所有海外分公司保持联络,并将所得讯息传递到正确的分公司。
- We read these messages and print them with the aid of small computers. 我们阅读这些信息,然后用微型电脑打印出来。
- The Cluster service uses Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) reserve commands and bus reset to arbitrate for and protect the shared disks. 群集服务使用小型计算机系统接口(SCSI)保留命令和主线复位对共享磁盘进行仲裁和保护。
- Depending on the SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) hardware that you have, you can attach up to 31 different SCSI hard drives. 仰赖你有的小型电脑标准介面(小型计算机系统介面)硬件,你能附加达31个不同的小型电脑标准介面硬式磁盘机。
- A very small computer,such as a laptop or personal computer,built around a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time. 微型电子计算机一种非常小的计算机,如膝上机或个人计算机,由一个微处理机构成,在一段时间内供一人使用。
- The control center for tallying all the votes was a small computer room; the door to that room was ajar and no log was kept of personnel entering and leaving. 计算所有选票的控制中心是间小电脑室,通往电脑室的门微开著,人员进出完全没有任何记录。
- Abstract: The architecture of iSCSI (internet small computer system interface) HBA (host bus adapter) is presented and analyzed. 作者简介:余胜生(1944-),男,江西南昌人,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为高性能网络接口、网络存储、数字信号处理。