- The results showed that Yingxian small black soybean was against the development of SCN3, especially J2 to J3 and J3 to J4;and the ratio of female-male was affected. 结果表明:应县小黑豆为抗扩展品种,对SCN3明显抑制J2向J3,J3向J4的发育,并且对SCN3的雌雄分化有一定影响。
- Abstract : Abstract: The reaction and population dynamics were studied between the resistant cultivar Yingxian small black soybean and Heterodera glycines race3(SCN3). 摘要 : 摘要:对抗病品种应县小黑豆与大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种(SCN3)互作及田间动态关系进行了研究。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- Investigation on Erect-type of Small Black Soybean Varieties and Primary Report on Selecting and Breeding 直立型小黑豆品种调查与选种初报
- A small black horse had the inside track at the start of the race. 比赛开始时,一匹小黑马领先跑内圈。
- small black soybean 小黑豆
- The result showed that Liao K89102 was against the invasion of H.glycines, Peking, PI90763, Yingxian small black soybean, Harbin small black soybean and Moshi soybean were resistant to the development of SCN from J2 to J3 or from J3 to J4; 结果表明,辽K89102为抗侵入型品种,Peking、PI90763、应县小黑豆、磨石豆和Franklin等的根内线虫从J2向J3或J3向J4发育过程中受到抑制,这些品种均有不同程度的抗线虫发育特性;
- For sade: small black armchair. Enquire within. 待售:一把小的黑色扶手椅。请进屋打听。
- He's carrying a small black suitcase. 手里提着一只黑色的小皮箱。
- For sade:small black armchair.Enquire within. 待售:一把小的黑色扶手椅。请进屋打听。
- For sale: small black armchair. Enquire within. 待售:一把小的黑色扶手椅。请进屋打听。
- A small black snake darted from the mouth of the Princess. 一条小黑蛇从公主口中窜出。
- Bon Bon: I can see this as a good name for a small black dog. 祝祝:我看这是一个好名字的小黑人狗.
- Objective: To explore the estrogenic activity and its mechanism of ethanol extract from black soybean(BSE). 目的:评价黑大豆乙醇提取物(black soybean ethanol extract,BSE)的雌激素样作用及其作用机制。
- Yesterday he picked up a shiny small black leather handbag. 昨天他拾到了一个闪闪发光的黑色小皮包。
- There is a small black bamboo beside the kiosk in the garden. 园林中的凉亭边,有一小片墨竹林。
- He had a small black moustache which was neatly trimmed. 他留着一小撮修剪整齐的黑色小胡子。
- The unsatisfactory appearance and taste caused by suspended fat and precipitated proteins resulting from the instability of black soybean beverages are discussed emphatically. 重点讨论了由于黑豆饮料不稳定引起的脂肪上浮和蛋白质沉淀致使产品外观和口感欠佳的问题。
- In no-choice tests of host acceptance there was no significant difference in acceptance of adzuki bean, mung bean or black soybean by beetles reared on adzuki bean or mung bean. 并探讨豆象经历不同寄主经验(例如:寄主种类、比例及寄主大小)对其产卵偏好影响之相对重要性。
- With it she wore a small black hat with a green-gold flow-er at the side. 与其衣着搭配的是,她常戴一顶黑色小帽,帽边上有一朵青金色的小花。