- Small and medium sized companies - in the form of Enterprise Academies - aim to achieve and sustain this state of know-how leadership, their competitiveness depends upon it. 对创建企业大学有很大兴趣的行业包括高新技术行业、制造业、金融服务业、电信业、健康护理行业和公用事业等。
- small and mid - sized industries 中小企业
- ISQ developed an evaluation study about the potential of distance education and training for small and medium sized companies in the Mediterranean countries of the European Community. ISQ对位于欧共体地中海国家的中小型公司远程教育及培训的潜力进行了评估研究。
- small and mid - sized private enterprise 中小民营企业
- small and mid - sized enterprise 中小企业
- For advancing their competitiveness, small and middle size companies must create strategical partner relationship with other companies to succeed inheir business. 随著美国国际商务会员成员的发展不断发展增加,中小企之间建立策略性夥伴,增强实力,方可在新的竞争环境中发挥功用。
- small and mid -sized enterprises 中小企业
- He was small and healthily built. 他个子小但身体很健康。
- Between late September and mid October. 九月下旬到十月中旬。
- The Greek army is small and poorly equipped. 其军队人数不多且装备落后。
- Cindy is small and just comes up to my chest. 辛迪个子很小,只到我的胸脯那么高。
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。
- Raising risk capital for small and medium size Latin American companies. 为小并且中等的大小拉丁文的涨的风险首都美国的公司。
- For the high and mid toms, it's best to use the same model mic. 在高音和中音桶鼓上最好使用相同型号的麦克。
- Gas shale exploration is being done mainly by small to medium sized companies. 天然气页岩勘探目前主要由小中型公司进行。
- The keepsake she gave me is small and not very costly. 她送我的纪念品很小而且不值钱。
- Chronic prostatitis is a common disease in young and mid aged men. 慢性前列腺炎是中青年男性泌尿生殖系统的常见病和多发病,其病因复杂。
- Small and sprightly; mischievous. 小巧的小而有生气的; 恶作剧的
- The function of inner audit in the reform of small and mid enterprise 内部审计在中小企业改革中的作用
- Tapholes of small and middle size BFs. 中小型高炉出铁口。