- slurry seal coat machine 稀浆封层机
- The research of slurry seal coat of emulsified asphalt is made in maintenance engineering on 309 highway from some aspects such as choice of materials ,mixture design, construction techniques etc. 从原材料选择、混合料设计、施工工艺等方面对309国道潍坊段养护工程中采用的乳化沥青稀浆封层技术进行了研究,并通过实践得出了稀浆封层混合料的配比设计、施工等方面的注意要点。
- According to the practical example of Xiangtan-Shaoyang Expressway, the design and construction of the pavement waterproof structure of “prime coat + slurry seal coat” are introduced. 结合潭邵高速公路项目的工程实践,介绍了“透层+封层”路面防水结构的设计与施工,阐述了透层及稀浆封层的主要施工工艺控制指标,可为类似工程提供借鉴。
- Quality Control of Prime Coat and Slurry Seal Coat 浅析透层、稀浆封层的质量控制
- Techniques for fiber modified slurry seal coat 纤维改性稀浆封层技术
- Application of Emulsified Asphalt Slurry Seal Coat in Mountain Road 乳化沥青稀浆封层施工在山区道路上的应用
- Testing Research on Slurry Seal as under seal coat in freeway 稀浆封层作高速公路下封层试验研究
- Application of Emulsified Asphalt Slurry Seal Coat in Newly Built Project 乳化沥青稀浆封层在新建工程中的应用
- Simply Talking about Slurry Seal Coat of Modified Emulsified Asphalt 浅议改性乳化沥青稀浆封层
- Technique and Application of Slurry Seal Coat in Road Maintenance engineering 沥青稀浆封层技术及在工程养护中的应用
- The Making of Modified Asphalt Emulsion and Its Application in Slurry Seal Coat 改性沥青乳液的制作及其在稀浆封层中的应用
- Do you know how much a seal coat is? 你知道海豹皮大衣多少钱一件?
- A Few Factors for Affection of Construction of Slurry Seal Coat of Modified Emulsified Asphalt 影响微表处施工的几个因素
- Simply Talking about Proportioning Design of Modified Mixture for Slurry Seal Coat 浅谈改性稀浆封层混合料配合比设计
- Analysis of Economic Benefit from Slurry Seal Coat of Modified Emulsified Asphalt, and Its Applying Prospect 改性乳化沥青稀浆封层的技术经济效益分析及应用前景
- Application of slurry seal as wearing course of moisture base and as seal coat of asphalt pavement 稀浆封层作为水稳基层磨耗层和沥青路面下封层的应用
- Discussion of Emulsion Asphalt Slurry Seal Coat Technology Applied on Pavement Maintenance 乳化沥青稀浆封层路面养护应用技术的探讨
- Study on The Technology of Slurry Seal Coats with Polypropylene Filer 聚丙烯纤维乳化沥青稀浆封层技术研究
- slurry seal coat 灰浆封层
- Modified slurry seal coat 改性稀浆封层