- They joined a moving line of marchers. 他们加入了行进者的行列。
- Is Glass A Solid Or An Extremely Slow Moving Liquid? 玻璃是一种流动非常缓慢的液体?
- The Saint Bernard is slow moving, patient, and obedient. 它们的动作一般很慢,很耐心和听话。
- To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat. 用曳绳钓(鱼)在一条缓慢移动的船后面拖曳一根放了诱饵的线来钓(鱼)
- One of these was slowly moving northwards. 其中一块向北慢慢地移去.
- The child may either be mildly restless orr somewhat" lazy" andd slow moving at times. 孩子时常表现出轻度的不安分或者一定程度的“懒散”并且行动缓慢。
- The envelope of moving line on the hypocycloid plane may be an epicycloid or cardioid and the... 摆线逆运动中与动切线成定角的直线;其包络也是圆周渐开线.
- Jim hates hotel taps that turn off as soon as you turn them on. Jim detests slow moving lifts. Jim讨厌旅馆的熄灯号音,他会在你的号音响起之前就尽快把它关掉,他也讨厌缓慢上升的电梯。
- When in slow moving traffic or when waiting to go ahead, ride or stop near the centre of the lane. 遇上交通缓慢或等候向前驶时,你应沿行车内正中位置驾驶或停车。
- Should not immediately move line of sight away, sprain face to one side, pretend to be or to disappear. 不可立刻把视线移开,或把脸扭向一边,佯装不见。
- Slow moving goats, cattle or sheep are much easier prey than the fleetfooted indigenous prey. 移动缓慢山羊,牛或羊更容易捕食比fleetfooted土著猎物。
- Along this road the inhabitants slowly moved in Indian file. 居民们列成单行,沿著这条路缓缓行进。
- Should not immediately move line of sight away , sprain face to one side , pretend to be or to disappear. 不可立刻把视线移开,或把脸扭向一边,佯装不见。
- MACD-Histogram measures changes in consensus by tracking the spread between fast and slow moving averages. MACD柱通过跟踪快速均线和慢速均线来计算一致认同的变化。
- The creeping flow model is singular and therefore unrealistic in the corner of each of the two fluid phases at a moving line of contact. 悄悄流模型的奇异的,因此是不现实的角落里的每一个阶段的两个流体在移动接触线。
- Kim had just dozed off in the backseat when Krickitt swerved on Interstate 40 to avoid a slow moving truck and was hit from behind. 汽车行驶在40号州际公路上时,基姆在汽车后座上刚睡着,克瑞基特为避开一辆慢行的卡车突然转向。
- How to optimize the reorder point and order quantity is a difficult problem for slow moving spare parts with high cost and long storage time. 摘要对价值高的慢速流动备件,如何确定其最佳再订货时间和订货批量,这是目前困扰企业的一个急需解决的问题。
- This is sensational news because three meetings of two slow moving planets always suggest the possibility for a transformation. 这是一个非常好的消息,因为两颗缓慢运行的行星的三次相会通常暗示着变革的可能。
- The gun slowly moved forward into view. 大炮慢慢地进入视线。
- Along this road the inhabitants slowly move in Indian file. 居民们列成单行,沿著这条路缓缓行进。