- A botched choice will likely end in failure, albeit via a long, slow decline. 一拙劣的选择,可能会以失败告终,尽管通过一个长期,缓慢下降。
- He listened to the starter retching and retching, the racing of the engine, and then the slow decline to slience. 他听着汽车的起动器干呕了两声,接着马达发动起来,声音逐渐消失在远处。
- But increasingly, newspaper barons, not content to preside over slow decline, want to embrace the revolution. 但是,新闻报纸巨头们越来越不甘心坐以待毙,他们想要拥抱革命。
- The drought persisted for several centuries,during which the Tiwanaku went into a slow decline. 干旱持续了若干世纪,在这期间提瓦那库慢慢衰落下去。
- He listened to the starter retching and retching, the racing of the engine, and then the slow decline to silence. 他听着汽车的起动器干呕了两声,接着马达发动起来,声音逐渐消失在远处。
- The drought persisted for several centuries, during which the Tiwanaku went into a slow decline. 干旱持续了若干世纪,在这期间提瓦那库慢慢衰落下去。
- This round of economic recession, we will see in the commodity price shocks in the wonders of slow decline. 此轮经济衰退,我们将看到在大宗商品价格震荡中缓慢衰退的奇观。
- Suleiman, greatest of all Ottoman Emperors (Rhodes), legislator, educator, builder (Sinan) and worthy opponent of the Hapsburg.With his son the slow decline began. 在奥斯曼帝国苏莱曼大帝领导下,土耳其达到光辉强盛的顶点,他是一名立法者,教育家,建筑家并被哈布斯堡王朝视为值得尊敬的对手。
- What kind of house prices fastest, most slow decline, which has not only investors are most concerned about is the property value for owner-occupier interest topic. 究竟什么样的房子涨得最快、跌得最慢,这已不仅仅是投资者最关心的问题,更是自住者为房产保值所关心的话题。
- A single fountain-of-youth elixir is highly unlikely, says Tamara Harris of the National Institute on Aging, because other activities, such as free-radical oxidation and possibly telomere shortening, also contribute to the body's slow decline. 国家老年研究所的塔玛拉·哈里斯说:“不可能仅仅有一种永驻青春的不老药,因为其它活动如自由基氧化作用和缩短调聚作用放慢身体退化的过程。
- A single fountain-of-youth elixir is highly unlikely,says Tamara Harris of the National Institute on Aging,because other activities,such as free-radical oxidation and possibly telomere shortening,also contribute to the body's slow decline. 国家老年研究所的塔玛拉·哈里斯说,不可能仅仅有一种永驻青春的不老药,因为其它活动如自由基氧化作用和缩短调聚作用放慢身体退化的过程。
- slow decline of membrane potential 膜电位缓慢下降
- This section of the market has slowly declined in importance. 这部份市场的重要程度慢慢降低。
- The decline of sales embarrassed the company. 销路下降使公司陷于财政困难。
- Diagnosis of slow decline disease of citrus and identifiction of pathogen 柑橘慢衰病诊断及其病原鉴定
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。
- The beats of the drum were steady and slow. 鼓声平稳而缓慢。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。
- A slow theme introduces the first movement. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。