"the president was not humbled by his narrow margin of victory"
"the landslide he had in the electoral college obscured the narrowness of a victory based on just 43% of the popular vote"
the property of an attractively thin person
用作名词 (n.)
By using this fixture,the slimness shaft with any length can be machined. 使用该夹具可切削加工任意长度的细长轴。
The design and manufacturing process of the special fixture for machining the slimness shaft on the lathe has been described in this article. 介绍在车床上加工细长轴专用夹具的设计制造过程。
Also contributing to this eating disorder is a societal ideal slimness that the adolescent strives to emulate. 造成饮食障碍的另一个因素是社会对所谓的理想的苗条的追求,青少年努力想要效法这种苗条。