- Sleeve flap in finger repair. 手指“套式”皮瓣
- His sleeves flapped over spare burnt arms. 他的两只衣袖在他那晒黑的瘦胳膊上啪哒啪哒飘动。
- I flap the flies away but soon they fly back. 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又飞回来了。
- A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving. 我刚要离去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。
- A seam broke open at the sleeve. 袖子上接缝处裂开了一点。
- His elbow was poking through his torn shin sleeve. 他的肘从衬衫的破袖子中露出。
- She pulled his sleeve to get his attention. 她拉他的袖子以引起他的注意。
- She sewed up the rip in his sleeve. 她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。
- A flap from the tail of the whale upset the boat. 鲸尾轻轻一拍便把小船打翻了。
- She could knit a torn sleeve up. 她能织补撕破的袖子。
- I got into a real flap when I lost my keys. 我丢了钥匙,心里发慌。
- She inserted a patch in the sleeve. 她给袖子打了个补丁。
- The (flap of the) envelope was unstuck. 信封(的封口)没粘住。
- The child tugged at his mother's sleeve. 小孩拉了拉他妈妈的衣袖。
- I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round. 我觉得有人扯我的袖子,便转过身来。
- How many stripes are there on a sergeant's sleeve? 中士的袖子上有几道V形条纹?
- Rolled up his sleeve to exhibit the scar. 卷起袖子来显示露出伤疤
- A decorative flap or loose fold on a garment or headdress. 垂饰外套或头巾上的装饰性的下垂物或松散的褶层
- Have you any ideas up your sleeve if our money runs out? 要是我们钱用光了你有什麽锦囊妙计?
- He doused the candle with a flap of his hand. 他用手煽熄烛火。