- They slammed the door on the best chance of a peaceful settlement. 他们拒绝考虑和平解决的最佳机会。
- The other side hasn't yet slammed the door on further negotiations. 对方在谈判中还没有关门。
- The OECD is urging governments not to slam the door on migrants and to adopt fairer immigration policies because they will need foreign labor in the future when the economy picks up. “移民们的原籍国家也有金融危机。所以,从经济上讲,回到更贫穷的国家对于移民来说并没有什么吸引力,因为那样他们只会面对更糟糕的工作环境。”
- In any case, teething troubles with a few new members should not become an excuse for slamming the door on others. 无论如何,吸纳几个新的成员国所产生的问题不应当成为将其他国家拒之门外的理由。
- The creaking of the door on rusty hinges jars on my ears. 铰链生锈的门发出吱嘎吱嘎的声使我感到很不舒服。
- I've told him time and again not to slam the door. 我告诉他很多次不要摔门了。
- He slammed the door with violence. 他砰的一声猛地把门关上。
- He slammed the door with a vehement fury. 他愤怒地用力把门关上。
- He slammed the door in a temper. 他生气地摔门。
- He slammed the door to register his disapproval. 他砰的一声把门关上以示不满。
- The clever goy shut the door on the stranger so that he could not come in. 这个聪明的孩子关着门不让这个陌生人进屋。
- Being alone, she bolted the door on the inside. 自己一人在家,她就从里面闩上了门。
- His neighbor slammed the door in his face. 他的邻居当着他的面把门砰然关闭。
- Please go in by the door on the left. 请从左边的门进去。
- She slammed the door with violence. 她砰的一声用力关上了门。
- Bowen has done his part in the first two games. Matched up primarily against Richard Hamilton, Bowen has slammed the door on his counterpart. 在前两战中,鲍文完成了他的戏份,而且让与他配戏的理查德·密尔顿很受伤。
- The boy tears out, slam the door. 砰地关上门,那孩子飞跑出去了。
- Please close the door on your way. 请随手关门。
- Uh, why does he always have to slam the door? 唉,为什么他老是砰一声地关上门。
- Since then he has slammed the door on the World Trade Organisation, opting instead for a no-doubt-mighty customs union with Belarus and Kazakhstan. 自此,他关上了世贸组织谈判的大门,转而选择与白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦建立一个无疑是强大的关税同盟。