- size one type 头号字
- Ok, this one, give me a middle size one. 就这件,给我拿一件中码的过来。
- One type is the Schottky defect in ionic crystals. 在离子晶体中有一类是斯考特库缺陷。
- There is one type of bubble chart. 气泡图有一种类型。
- Many values can be expressed as more than one type. 许多值可以表示为多种类型。
- Lying is one type of foolish action. 说谎也是一种的愚蠢的行为。
- I want to buy a new bed, but this time a king size one. 我想买张新床,但这次要买张特大号的。
- One type of DoS is known as SYN flooding. 一种己知的DoS为传送大量SYN封包。
- Actually, I am looking for these pants in a size one. 实际上,我是在找像这样的裤子,要一号的就是了
- The exchange of one type of security or currency for another. 兑换把一种证券或货币兑换为另一种
- Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Mage at any time. 法师在同一时间内只能保有一种魔法护甲效果。
- How much is this large size one? The electronic fan? The computer software? 这个大号的多少钱?这台电风扇这个电脑软件?
- Thought them! After all the man I've been out, I deserve a full size one. 它们!在我交往的所有那个男中,我。该有个尺寸上没缺陷的男人。
- Can you differentiate one type of fish from the other? 你能区分这两种鱼吗?
- Suggested serving size One cup (250 mL) of fresh mushed watermelon per day. 食用剂量:每天一杯(250毫升)鲜榨西瓜汁。
- JavaScript is one type of script that can be used in an HTML page. JavaScript是一类能用在HTML页面中的脚本。
- A binary semaphore can be implemented by creating a FIFO of size one. 二进制信号量才能执行,创造一个FIFO的大小。
- Having only one type of sexual organ; not a hermaphrodite. 雌雄异体的只有一种类型性器官的;不是雌雄同体的
- One type of account you may wish to consider is the joint account. 你可能希望的一类帐户是共同账户。
- QUICK SIZING: Valve size one size smaller than line. 快速选型:阀门通径比管道口径小一级。