- A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape; a whaler. 尖尾长艇大小及形状与该划艇相似的船; 捕鲸船
- Grafts differ in size and shape. 移植不同大小和形状。
- Size and shape changes of malignant tumor cells. 恶性肿瘤细胞大小与形态的变化。
- They are uniform in size and shape. 它们的尺寸大小和形状都相同。
- Nerve cells vary greatly in size and shape. 神经细胞在大小和形状方面差别极大。
- To be the proper size and shape. 合适,合身成为合适的尺寸和形状
- The lanterns differ from one another in size and shape. 这些灯笼的大小和形状各不相同。
- The two office buildings look alike in size and shape. 这两座办公楼的大小和形状都一样。
- The geologic science of the size and shape of the earth. 大地测量学研究地球大小和形状的地理科学
- A small flashlight having the size and shape of a fountain pen. 笔形电筒一种形状及大小类似自来水笔的小闪光灯或手电筒
- The rate of migration varies with molecular size and shape. 泳动速度随分子大小和形状而改变。
- The size and shape of Sip also affected the mechanical properties. 初生硅颗粒的尺寸、形貌对Sip/ZA27的力学性能也产生影响。
- A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape;a whaler. 尖尾长艇大小及形状与该划艇相似的船;
- The color, sculpt, size and shape must match garment as an integer. 包的色彩、造型、大小形状都要与服装匹配,形成一个整体的造型。
- Heroes come in all sizes and shapes. 英雄出自身段体型各异的普通人。
- A vase of varying size and shape,usually having a footed base or pedestal. 瓮,缸各种大小和式样的瓶,通常有脚架或底座。
- Size and shape vary. It becomes less noticeable or disappears with age. 大小形态不等,随年龄增长,变得较不明显或消失不见。
- A vase of varying size and shape, usually having a footed base or pedestal. 瓮,缸各种大小和式样的瓶,通常有脚架或底座
- Like clouds, these patches move and are highly irregular in size and shape. 象云彩,这些补丁行动和是高度不规则在大小和形状。
- Supermarkets have plastic bags of different sizes and shapes. 超市有各种尺寸和形状的塑料袋。