- The sixth man went forward to feel the elephant. 第六个瞎子走上前去摸大象。
- I always believe my sixth sense. 我总相信我的直觉。
- Saturn is the planet sixth in order from the sun. 土星是依次离太阳的第六颗行星。
- The oldest children are in the sixth form. 年龄最大的学生在六年级。
- He was counted out at the end of the sixth round. 他在第六轮被宣布为失败。
- My new house is on the sixth floor. 我的新房子在六楼。
- Parry was a very good actor, but I'm afraid he's had his day now. 帕里曾是一位很好的演员,但现在恐怕已经不再走红了。
- The sixth grade saw an educational film yesterday. 六年级学生昨天看了一部教育片。
- It's on the sixth floor let's take the lift. 在第六层--我们乘电梯吧。
- sixth parry 第六姿势防守
- The first position of thrust and parry in fencing. 第一姿势击剑中出击和防御中的第一个姿势
- The sixth letter of the Greek alphabet. 希腊字母的第六个字母
- Journalists have a sixth sense of news in most cases. 在多数情况下记者们对新闻有第六感觉。
- The third position from which a parry or thrust can be made in fencing. 第三姿式在击箭中闪避或一刺的第三种姿式
- A fencing parry in which one foil follows the other in a circular fashion. 划圆防守在击剑防守时按圆形方式一招接一招地进行
- Gives 4.84% chance to parry enemy melee attacks. 有4.;84%25机会去用武器挡敌人攻击
- His eldest child is still in the sixth form. 他年龄最大的孩子才上六年级。
- That with Deterrence is a 30% chance of parry. 这和障碍同时使用就是30%25的格档。
- After a good showing in the early rounds, Tom came apart in the sixth. 开头几个回合汤姆打得还不错,到第六个回合就垮下来了。
- Queen of England as the sixth and last wife of Henry VIII. 帕尔,凯瑟琳1512-1548英国皇后,是亨利八世的第六位也是最后一位妻子