- New Compact Six Axis Robots Combined with KUKA User Friendly Controls Enables Easy to Implement Automation Solutions 新式紧凑型六轴机器人结合了
- The Single Axis Robot KA is actuated by a motor-driven ballscrew and is guided by a linear guideway. 在单轴驱动机器人的KA由电动机驱动滚珠丝杠,由一个线性导轨指导。The stage base is a lightweight design made of aluminum.;该阶段的基础是一个轻量级的设计铝合金制成的。It is suitable for semiconductor and industrial automation applications
- Flexible arm robot with four or six axes 四轴或六轴折臂机器人
- The Single Axis Robot KK is a slider actuated by a motor-driven ballscrew and guided by a linear guideway with a U-shaped rail. 在单轴机器人KK是由电动机驱动滑块驱动滚珠丝杠和带有U形轨道的线性导轨指导。The slider acts as the ballscrew's nut and the guideway's block.;该滑块充当滚珠丝杠的螺母和导轨的块。
- Aiming at the mechanism character of a multi axes robot, the location kinematics negative problem was solved by simple Descartes geometry instead of general matrix transform. 针对一个教学型多关节机器人的机械特点,不用一般的齐次转换的方法而是用简单的笛卡儿几何的方法解决了其运动学逆问题。
- The program supports up to 16 joysticks with up to 32 buttons, six axes and POV. 程序支持高达 32 个按钮,六根坐标轴和 POV 支持高达 16 操纵杆。
- A lot of people in shipbuilding will get the axe. 造船业的很多人将被解雇。
- The axe sliced through the wood. 斧头一下子把木头劈开了。
- He gathered all his strength and swung the axe. 他用尽全力抡起斧头。
- He struck off the rotten branches with an axe. 他用斧头砍掉了朽烂的树枝。
- Please sharpen the edge of this axe. 请把这把斧头的刃磨快。
- The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps. 玩具机器人一颠一颠地走得很快。
- It takes six years to qualify as a doctor. 要获得医师资格需时六年。
- She was splitting logs with an axe. 她正用斧子劈木头。
- He took a swing at the tree with his axe. 他挥斧砍树。
- The man cleft a block of wood in two with an axe. 那人用斧头把一块木头劈成两半。
- I consider it to be inferior to robot. 我认为它不及机器人。
- He has to muck out the horses every morning at six. 他每天清晨6点钟要清除马粪。
- The heavy axe was awkward to use. 这把重斧头不好用。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。