- He sneaked out while the Taoist priest was sitting in meditation. 道士坐功的时候,他偷偷地跑了出来。
- O-nami sat in meditation trying to imagine himself as waves. 巨浪开始打坐,试图将自己想象为海浪。
- He came to the Buddhist abode, and found the Master sitting in meditation. 他来到禅房,见到法师正在坐堂。
- The basic course of Tao is to practice yoga and Zen, and to sit in meditation. 而求道的门径,也应就是瑜伽练习,打坐及禅修了。
- Because a yogi who industrially practice yoga, sitting in meditation and Zen, and finally bear the similar fruit. 因为,在他们勤练瑜伽、打坐、禅修以后,往往就会产生类似的效应。
- When he got there, the sorcerer was sitting in meditation, exercising his powers. 这时他的师傅正在静坐修炼。
- In the painting, the literati were performing calligraphy, writing and reciting poems, playing koto or sitting in meditation. 画中文人雅士风云际会,挥毫用墨,吟诗赋词,抚琴唱和,打坐问禅。
- For instance, when you start sitting in meditation, they'll take a stick and poke you in your legs and shins, so that your legs hurt or grow numb. 比方说,你开始坐禅时,他们会拿根棍子,在你的大腿、小腿上戳,于是你开始腿疼、麻木。
- Do with time of 10 minutes everyday contemplative or sit in meditation, it is the good method of clean heart not only, more but slow wake up skin. 天天用10分钟的时间做冥想或打坐,不仅是洁净心灵的好方法,更可舒缓并唤醒肌肤。
- The Soto (Chinese: Ts\'ao-tung) sect, transmitted to Japan by Dogen on his return from China in 1227, prefers the method of sitting in meditation (zazen). 曹洞宗,由道元在1227年从中国返回日本的时候传送到日本,更喜欢坐着冥想的模式。(坐禅)
- Members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Chinese Amphibious Rescue Association sit in meditation while on standby to carry out rescue missions should the need arise. 清海无上师中华两栖救援协会的队员在等待救援行动时禅坐入定。
- I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。
- She was sitting in the shade of a big olive tree. 她正坐在一棵大橄榄树的树荫下。
- A serious meditator pays bare attention to occurrences all the time, day in, day out, whether formally sitting in meditation or not. 一个认真的禅定者会在任何时刻都对当下保持觉知,日出,日落,无论是在禅定中还是禅定之外。
- Three people can sit in the back of this car. 这车的后座可坐3个人。
- That is where Siddhartha sat in meditation under a tree called the “Bodhi tree”. 那是悉达多在一棵菩提树下静坐的地方。
- I'd like you to sit in on this meeting. 我希望你旁听一下边次会议。
- As the individual sits in meditation, his mind focused on an affirmation( an idea), spiritual energy begins to move upward from the gonads. 当个人坐着冥想时,他的意识集中于一种肯定(个想法)精神能量开始从性腺向上移动。
- We spent many idle hours just sitting in the sun. 我们在太阳地里呆呆坐了好几个钟头。
- As the individual sits in meditation, his mind focused on an affirmation (an idea), spiritual energy begins to move upward from the gonads. 当个人坐着冥想时,他的意识集中于一种肯定(一个想法),精神能量开始从性腺向上移动。