- How did your story sit with your mother? 你妈妈怎么能接受你的谎言呢?
- He disdains going to the cinema/to sit with people like us. 他不屑於去看电影[与我们这等人同席而坐]。
- He was sitting with his head buried in a book. 他坐着埋头看书。
- We have a spare chair if you want to sit with us. 如果你想和我们一起坐,这儿正好有把多余的椅子。
- Just sit with your hands in your lap. 把手放在你膝盖上。
- He disdains to sit with people like us. 他不屑与我们这等人同席而坐。
- Come and sit with me on the sofa. 来,和我坐在沙发上。
- And you sit with your toes to the fire. 坐着时脚趾头烤着火。
- Sit with this vision for a time. 在上述景象中坐著保持一会儿。
- Would you like to sit with us for dinner? 你们要不要与我们坐在一起用晚餐?
- I couldn't bear to sit with him at the same table, because he smacked his lips as he ate his food. 我受不了与吉姆同桌吃饭,因为他吃东西时老是津津有味地咂嘴。
- I sit with my eye on Mr. Creakle, blinking at him like a young owl. 我坐在那看着克里克先生,好象一个小夜猫子一样,冲着他直眨巴眼儿。
- The children form a circle and sit with legs folded. 小朋友们围成一圈,腿盘起来。
- She'll sit with you, my soul, while I write a letter. 让她陪着你坐一会儿,我的好人,我要写封信去。
- It's impolite of you to sit with your feet pointing to others. 你坐着用脚指着别人是不礼貌的。
- You must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. 坐着时不要把脚朝着别人。
- You mustn't sit with your feet pointing at another person. 你不可以坐着把脚跷起对着别人。
- He pulled up a chair and sat with us. 他拉过一只椅子,跟我们坐在一起。
- She sat with a book in front of her. 她坐着,面前放一本书。
- Is it okay for me to sit with my boss in the meeting? 开会时我跟上司坐在一起合适吗?