- Would you help the patient to sit upright? 请帮忙让病人坐直。
- He was sitting upright, as stiff as a poker. 他正襟危坐,纹丝不动。
- He was sitting upright, stiff as a poker. 他正襟危坐,纹丝不动。
- Any person waking from a nightmare will sit upright and pant hard. 任何人从恶梦中惊醒时会突然坐起来喘气。
- He grew maudlin, could hardly see the cards or sit upright. 他变得沉醉了,不拘束了,几乎看不清牌,也坐不端正了。
- He grew maudlin , could hardly see the cards or sit upright. 他变得沉醉了,不拘束了,几乎看不清牌,也坐不端正了。
- He opened his eyes, and sat upright fiercely. 他睁开眼来,使劲把身子挺了挺直。
- She sat upright, her body rigid with fear. 她直挺挺地坐着,吓得浑身发僵。
- A. Sit upright or elevate head of bed 45 to 90 degrees for bedridden client if possible. 可能时,卧床病人可取端坐位或将床头抬高到40-90度。
- She is wide awake, sitting upright in her bed. 她十分清醒,笔直地坐在床上。
- A. Sit upright or elevate head of bed45 to90 degrees for bedridden client if possible. 可能时,卧床病人可取端坐位或将床头抬高到40-90度。
- My father sat upright, straight as a ramrod, while the doctor explained to him the serious nature of his illness. 医生向我父亲讲明他的严重病情时,我的父亲直挺挺地坐在椅子上,一动也不动。
- Those affected are conscious, able to sit upright, can answer questions, and afterwards experience amnesia. 受影响的人还是有意识的,能够直直坐着,能够回答问题,然后会健忘。
- A typical regimen requires the patient to drink a full glass of water with the drug on an empty stomach and sit upright for up to 30 minutes. 通常的服药方法是:患者必须在空腹状态下用一杯水服药药物,并保持正常姿势30分钟。
- The old lady was sitting upright in her chair,stiff as a poker. 这个老妇人挺着身子,笔直地坐在椅子里。
- She sat upright and gave Prissy a push to speed her feet. 她直着腰背坐起来,推了百里茜一把,叫她快跑。
- The old lady was sitting upright in her chair, stiff as a poker. 这个老妇人挺着身子,笔直地坐在椅子里。
- Kerby said the main hull is sitting upright and is in good shape. 克尔比说,这艘潜艇的主体竖直立在海底,状态完好。
- Seated Row: Using exercise tubing, flex at the hips and shoulders( not the spine) to grasp the handles and sit upright on a bench or the floor with the elbows extended. 坐式划船:这项运动需要使用运动器械,屈曲你的髋和肩(不是脊柱)抓住手柄,保持直立的坐在台子或地面上同时让肘部保持伸展。
- Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright, look alert and interested at all times. Be a good listener as well as a good communicator. 在请你坐下之前,要保持站立等待。坐下后上身要挺直,看上去机警而且随时准备好交谈。要善于倾听,同时也要注意交流。