- I can't just sit back and watch this. 我不能就这么袖手旁观。
- All he did was sit back and watch others work hard on the project. 他只不过是轻松地看着他人为这个计划努力工作。
- I will not sit back and watch my only son become a cocksucker! 我是不会坐在一旁任由我唯一的儿子变成一个鸡佬的!
- He couldn't just sit back and watch, he had to speak up. 他不能只是袖手旁观,他必须说出来。
- Just sit back and watch as we invest the money in your account each week. 刚坐回来,看我们每星期在你的帐目投资钱。
- Colonel Frank Fitts: Don't you laugh at me. Now, I will not sit back and watch my only son become a cock-sucker. 弗兰克:别嘲笑我。现在,我不会坐视不管,眼睁睁的看着我唯一的儿子变成同性恋。
- Colonel Frank Fitts: Don't you laugh at me. Now, I will not sit back and watch my only son become a cock-sucker. 弗兰克:别嘲笑我。现在,我不会坐视不管,眼睁睁的看着我唯一的儿子变成同性恋。
- Barnhart:That's enough leon.You've done a fine job. Now just sit back and watch the fight. 巴恩哈特:够了利昂。你出色的完成了任务。现在退下观战吧。
- Colonel Frank Fitts: Don't you laugh at me. Now. I will not sit back and watch my only son become a cock-sucker. 弗兰克:别嘲笑我.;现在
- Remember to research your keywords carefully from the consumer's viewpoint and then sit back and watch the traffic roll in! 记得要仔细研究您关键词从消费者的角度,然后坐视交通滚!
- What about the people who just sit back and watch the evening news, or some sitcom, or whatever. Are they getting the necessary information? 人们怎样休息一下或观看晚间新闻,或某些连续剧,或无论什么。他们正在获得必要的资讯?
- I like to sit back and rest in the evenings. 我喜欢在晚上什麽也不做,好好休息。
- You can sit back and watch . 你不能就此袖手旁观。
- Perhaps now they can sit back and rest on their oar. 也许现在他们可以坐下来休息一下了。
- Stop squinting at tedious web videos-- sit back and watch big, high resolution videos one after another.It's so easy to use that you'll be watching interesting videos in moments. 视频共享、过滤(在Democracy Player中,你可以扔“炸弹”,把你喜欢的节目添加到你要订阅的Feed中,如果他人订阅这个Feed,他将看到相同的节目)。
- She took a seat in the back and watched. 她在后排找了一个座位坐下看起来。
- Sit back and watch the royalties stack up 休息一下,看着版税堆加
- Are you going to sit back and let me do everything? 你什么事都不想做,所有事都让我干?
- They won't sit back and let you do it alone. 他们决不会袖手旁观让你一个人干的。
- They won' t sit back and let you do it alone. 他们决不会袖手旁观让你一个人干的。