- Spectrum analysis in output signal of bistable system can identify the frequency of weak sinusoidal signal concealed in the white noise. 对双稳态系统的输出信号作了频谱分析,辨识出了淹没在白噪声中的微弱正弦信号频率。
- This paper analyzes further the sampling and reconstruction of sinusoidal signal since it is a typical situation where the prob... 本文对如何在应用中正确地确定最低采样频率,提供了有益的参考。
- Numerical simulation is performed for each synchronization method through a sinusoid signal. 并对以上各同步定义进行了模拟验证。
- The real single frequency sinusoidal signal under white Gaussian noise is common signal in industry.This paper presents a new method for phase estimation of sinusoidal signal based on bispectrum. 高斯噪声背景下的单频实正弦波信号是工业现场遇到较多的一类信号,本文针对此类信号提出了一种基于双谱分析的正弦波初相估计方法。
- Since the window function and the twiddle factor look-up table has been adopted, so the speed can also be, the initial value to the process through high-speed AD collected 20KHz sinusoidal signal. 由于窗函数和旋转因子通过查表得到,所以速度还可以,程序中给的初值是通过高速AD采集的20KHz正弦信号。计算结果与Matlab的FFT函数得到的结果相同。
- This paper has discussed in detail that whether the sampling theorem is valid for sinusoidal signal and how to avoid the leakage when an infinite sinusoidal signal is blocked into a finite data. 讨论了抽样定理对正弦信号的适用性及对正弦信号截短时所应遵循的基本原则。
- CHEN Wei-dong,YANG Shao-quan.A note on the Nyquist sampling on sinusoidal signals [J].Journal of Xidian University,2000,27(4):500-503. [2]陈卫东;杨绍全.;关于正弦信号Nyquist采样的一个注记[J]
- Design Procedures of a Sinusoidal Signal Generator 一种正弦信号发生器的设计方法
- The Detection of Weak Transient Sinusoidal Signal 弱暂态正弦信号的检测
- A new signal containing two sinusoidal signals is reconstructed from originally sampling signal by the method.Then based on the bispectrum analyses of the new signal,the phase is estimated accurately. 此方法在采样信号的基础上,重构出一路新的信号,该信号包含两个频率互成倍数的正弦波,再进行双谱分析,以实现正弦波初相的精确求解。
- The mathematical models for sinusoidal signal andsix frequent PQD signals are established;by means of waveletdecomposition the characteristic values of above-mentionedsignals are obtained. 建立了正弦信号和6 种常见PQD 信号的数学模型,通过小波分解得到了上述信号的特征量,结合决策树方法实现了对PQD 的自动分类,并通过合理选择小波类型、分类算法和去噪方法提高了PQD 的分类精度。
- This paper presents a new method of estimating numbers and frequencies for sinusoid signals based on TransDimensional Simulated Annealing(TDSA) algorithm. 该文提出了一种基于跨维模拟退火(TDSA)算法联合估计实正弦信号个数及频率的新方法。
- Since the identification method does not approximate the outputs of relay and process as sinusoidal signals, the obtained SOPDT model can represent the process dynamics more accurately. 由于该辨识方法没有将继电和过程输出近似为正弦信号, 获得的SOPDT模型能更准确地反映过程的动态特性。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- The design of an sinusoidal signal generator based on DDS 基于DDS的正弦信号发生器设计
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。
- Let's set the clock by the radio time signal. 咱们照着收音机的报时信号把钟对一对。
- A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
- The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。