- One day you will have to answer to your leader for your sins of omission. 有一天你得向领导说明你的疏忽罪。
- There is a sin of omission as well as of commission. 有的罪是因为做了某件事,有的罪是因为没有做某件事(该做的事没做也是犯罪)。
- Watch for sins of omission such as gossip, criticizing, judging, etc. 留意忽略的罪,如閒话、批评、论断等。
- The bank and Swiss authorities are still hewing to the distinction in Swiss law between sins of omission and of commission. 银行和瑞士当局仍然坚持分清在瑞士法律中规定的疏忽和故意犯罪的区别。
- Others, I suspect, would rather not revisit those years because they don't want to be reminded of their own sins of omission. 还有其他人士不愿回顾过去,我怀疑是不愿让人说他们在玩忽职守,放任罪过方面的责任。
- sins of omission(= not doing things that should be done) 渎职罪
- Christ's atonement is for the sins of mankind. 耶稣的赎罪是为了人类的罪恶。
- Be careful, and you will save many men from the sin of robbing you. 小心吧,那你就会使许多人避过犯上抢劫你的罪名了。
- Visit the sins of the fathers upon the children . 儿子因父亲的罪而受惩罚。
- Witnessing our demise, and sins of our land. 见证我的困境,还有这片土地的罪恶。
- my art has been suckled by them and softly rocked in their tender cradle.We have a future together,I am sure,that will more than compensate for the Present's sins of omission. 你的话升华了我的艺术;像一个柔软的摇篮轻轻地摇着它.;我们肯定拥有共同的未来;这些足以弥补现在上帝疏忽的过失!
- Dying for the sins of another person? 为另一个人的罪死?
- Visit the sins of the fathers upon the children. 儿子因父亲的罪而受惩罚。
- Apostrophe Sign of omission of letter or to show possessive. 在英文字内表示略去一些字母或表示拥有的符号。
- How did Jesus atone for the sins of men? 问:耶稣怎么样救赎了众人的罪?
- Apostrophe :Sign of omission of letter or to show possessive. 省略号:在英文字内表示略去一些字母或表示拥有的符号。
- sins of omission 疏忽罪
- The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children. 祖先的罪过将会罚在子孙的身上。
- The biggest sin of life is self-deceit. 人生最大的罪过是自欺欺人。
- The sin of immorality was very common in Corinth. 哥林多城的道德风气败坏,淫乱的罪极为普遍。