- All sank into silence again, and again there was a sound as of popping squibs. 枪声齐鸣,有时却又快速地一声接一声,接连响了好几枪。
- Song sinks into silence, The story is told, The windows are darkened, The hearthstone is cold. 曲终声停, 故事叙完, 绮窗昏暗, 壁炉冷寒。
- No sooner had the reverberation of my blows sunk into silence, than I was answered by a voice from within the tomb! 我敲墙的回响余音未寂,就听得墓冢里发出一下声音!
- After supper the quarrel lapsed into silence. 晚饭后争吵逐渐平息下来了。
- The children were awed into silence. 孩子们吓得不敢作声。
- They tried to bribe the reporter into silence. 他们试图收买该记者,不让他张扬。
- Don't let the coffee sink into the carpet; wipe it up. 别让咖啡渗进地毯里去,把它擦掉。
- His feeble excuses soon tailed off (into silence). 他的藉口站不住脚,很快就没词儿了(不作声了).
- Her voice tailed away into silence. 她的话音越来越小,终於哑然无声了。
- Her voice tailed off into silence. 她的话音越来越小,终于哑然无声了。
- He had relapsed into silence again. 他再一次陷入沉默。
- Let this warning sink into your mind. 把这个警告铭记于心。
- Let this lesson sink into our mind. 让这个教训铭记在我们心中吧。
- We talked nonstop at first, but soon lapsed into silence. 开始我们谈个不停,但过不多久我们陷入了沈默。
- I felt inclined to sink into the ground with shame. 我感到羞愧得天地自容。
- They watched the sun sink into the Mediterranean . 他们注视着太阳沉入地中海。
- Will it not sink into noting but a cemetery? 它不会夷为一片墓地?
- They watched the sun sink into the Mediterranean. 他们注视着太阳沉入地中海。
- He looked the child into silence. 他瞪得孩子不敢出声。
- We watched the sun sink into the sea. 我们看着太阳落入大海.