- The nature of pedagogy will not change even in the singular system of pedagogy. 即使有了单数的教育学体系,教育学的性质也不会改变。
- The feedback stabilization problem of affine nonlinear singular systems is studied. 摘要研究非线性奇异系统的反馈稳定化问题。
- Campbell, S. L. Singular systems of differential equations, Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1980. 王联;王慕秋.;非线性常微分方程定性分析
- Regular affine nonlinear singular systems are shown to be asymptotically stabilizable if the zero dynamics are stable. 最后证明了对于正则仿射非线性奇异系统,当其零动态渐近稳定时,该系统可通过反馈控制实现系统的稳定化。
- The observer design problem for linear discrete multiple delays rectangular singular systems with unknown inputs is discussed. 摘要讨论含未知输入的多时滞离散非方奇异系统的观测器设计问题。
- Based on the theorem of structured singular value, It deals with the robust analysis and synthesis problem of linear singular systems. 摘要以结构奇异值理论为工具,对线性奇异系统的鲁棒分析与鲁棒综合进行了研究。
- The equivalent restrict decomposition form was established for the singular system with mismatched uncertainties. 建立了能控规范受限等价分解形式。
- Furthermore, a robust pole-clustering in a specified disk condition for a perturbed singular system is obtained. 并进一步得到了所考虑系统具有鲁棒极点集的条件.
- The paper develops a state optimal estimation algorithm for singular systems with multiplicative noise in the sense of linear minimum-variance. 摘要针对带乘性噪声广义系统,提出1种在线性最小方差意义下的状态最优估计算法。
- Moor, Wilbert. E, "Global Sociology: the World as a Singular System", American Journal of Sociology, 1966, Vol. LXXI,No. 5, pp. 475 - 490. 伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦:《现代世界体系》第一卷;龙来寅等译;[北京]高等教育出版社1998年版;第461页;第462页;第463页;第464页;第465页;第466页.
- Discusses the design of an observer-based optimal guaranteed cost controller for a class of singular systems with state-delay and parameter uncertainties. 讨论一类含有参数不确定性且具有状态滞后的广义时滞系统的观测器型最优保成本控制器设计问题。
- The state space reconstruction of chaotic signals having low S/N ratio was investigated by means of Singular System Analysis (SSA). 利用奇异系统分析方法研究了低信噪比混沌信号的相空间重构。
- A model of a class of hybrid impulsive and switched singular systems is developed, based on a kind of controlled singular systems and hybrid impulsive and switched control. 摘要基于一类受控广义系统和混杂脉冲切换控制,提出了一个混杂脉冲切换广义系统模型。
- In chapter three, we use the same method as using in chapter two, and discuss the existence of solutions for the boundary value problem (BVP) of a class of nonlinear singular systems and a class of nonlinear singular systems with delay. 第三章利用和前一章同样的方法讨论了非线性广义系统和非线性滞后广义系统的边值问题,得到了相应边值问题的解的存在性定理。
- Equivalence between dissipativeness and positive realness is established,and the necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for discrete-time singular systems to be strict dissipative. 建立了耗散性与正实性之间的等价关系;由此得到离散广义系统严格耗散的充要条件.
- H.S.Zhang, T.Y.Chai and X.J.Liu,``A unified approach to optimal filtering, prediction and smoothing for discrete-time stochastic singular systems", Proc. of 13th IFAC World Congress, USA, 1996. 张焕水,柴天佑;广义离散随机线性系统最优递推预报方法及其渐近稳定性;自动化学报;第23卷;第2期;1997年.
- Applying projection theory and a decomposition in canonical form for singular systems, a new recursive filter is given for stochastic singular systems with correlated noises measured by single sensor. 摘要应用射影理论,基于奇异系统典范型分解,对带相关噪声的单传感器随机奇异系统,给出一种新的递推滤波器;
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- For the exact feedback linearization of general nonlinear singular systems, by taking the algebraic variables as virtual inputs, a recursion inverse algorithm is introduced in this paper. 摘要对一般广义非线性系统的反馈线性化问题,通过将代数变量视为虚拟输入,给出了构造性递归求逆算法,实现了系统的精确反馈线性化。
- By applying the singular system of campact operator and the method of posteriori choosing determine the regular parameter, We can also prove the convergence of the regularized solution given [1]. 摘要本文利用紧算子的奇异系统后验选取正则参数,证明了文[1]中的改进的正则化解是收敛的。