- An MDX set expression that resolves into the members of a single level. 解析为单个级别的成员的MDX集表达式。
- A room or set of rooms comprising a single level of a multi-level building. 一个多层大楼的一层或一间。
- Departments administering health above the county level exercise the power of supervision over drugs. 第四十五条县级以上卫生行政部门行使药品监督职权。
- Figure 18. A directory parse of a single level with nodes and connectors labeled as such. 图示18.;一个单层目录解析中的节点和连接器是这样被标记的。
- Don't put more than 25 items within a single level of a menu (not counting submenus). 不要在一个层级的菜单中放置超过25个菜单项(不包括子菜单)。
- A stand-alone DFS server does not use Active Directory, cannot have replicas at the root level, and can only have a single level of DFS links. 独立的DFS服务器不使用Active Directory,没有根目录级别的副本,并且只能有一个级别的DFS链接。
- A total of 16 Bryan cervical disc prosthesis were implanted. Single level disc was replaced in 12 cases while hi-level in 2 cases. 单节段置换12例,双节段置换2例,共置换16个椎间盘假体。
- Local people's governments at all levels exercise leadership over defense education in their respective administrative areas. 地方各级人民政府领导本行政区域内的国防教育工作。
- These spacious single level condos have secure subterranean parking with 2 spots per unit, secure hallways, a community BBQ area and elevator access. 这些宽敞的单层城市屋有安全的地下停车场,每个单元有两个停车位,安全的走廊,社区烧烤区和电梯入口。
- A party cannot do without centralism. It will have no fighting capacity unless its central committee and party committees at various levels exercise centralized leadership. 一个党不集中不行,如果没有中央的和各级党委的集中领导,这个党就没有战斗力。
- For the MLAP merchant, an MLAP allows his affiliate program to sign up affiliates more effectively by standing out from the crowd of single level affiliate programs. 海洋低温碱性蛋白酶的商人;其下属的海洋低温碱性蛋白酶使节目更有效签名子公司站在人群从单一一级从属节目.
- Analyzing the model of the single level capacitated lot-sizing problem (SLCLSP), a new approach based on IGA (immune genetic algorithm) is proposed to solve the problem. 摘要通过对单级多资源约束生产批量计划问题(SLCLSP)模型进行分析,提出了基于免疫遗传算法(IGA)求解该问题的方法。
- Common management: A single level of management across all nodes should cover the areas of data security, mobility and migration, capacity on demand, and provisioning. 公共管理:对所有节点的单一管理层次应该覆盖数据安全、机动性和迁移性、按需能力供应和预备功能等诸多方面。
- The trend of current medical treatment is analysed firstly and the single level and multi-level fuzzy synthesis judgment mathematical models is introduced. And then a judgment system and a judgment model of OTC is proposed finally. 首先介绍了建立网上非处方药的评判系统是现代医疗手段发展的必然趋势,然后分别介绍了单级和多级Fuzzy综合评判的数学模型,最后提出了非处方药的评判体系及评判模型
- Single hole Single Level Lavatory Faucet 单孔单把面盆龙头
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- Double Hole Single Level Lavatory Faucet 双孔单把面盆龙头
- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 买一张去温撤斯特单程二等票。
- Points Single Level Meter LED Display Driver 单五点LED电平显示驱动电路
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。