- single ear corn 单穗玉米
- It smells horrible when you burn whole ear corn in the wood stove. 你把玉米穗放到木炉子上烤,味道很难闻。
- You can have multiple client application JAR files in a single EAR file. 单个EAR文件中可以有多个客户机应用程序JAR文件。
- In order to raise the productivity of single ear,the initial size of population must be reduced,the number of seedling after the end of Dec,stablized,growth and development of plant individuals stimulated and effective tiller percentage increased. 栽培上应在一定穗数的前提下,主攻单穗重,减少基础群体,控制群体发展,促进个体发育健壮,提高分蘖成穗率是增加单穗生产力的重要条件;
- On improving the quality of quick-frozen waxy ear corn 提高速冻糯玉米棒品质的途径
- Physiology Research on Yield in Multiple Stem, Leaves and Ear Corn in Xingjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 新疆多秆、多穗、多叶型玉米产量生理研究
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 买一张去温撤斯特单程二等票。
- Then a single gnat got into his ear and stung him. 然后,一只小蚊蚋跳进他的耳朵,蜇了他。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- The bridge crosses the river in a single span. 河上那座桥是单跨桥。
- Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票?
- Is the material single width or double width? 这幅料子是单幅的还是双幅的?
- I have had to work for every single penny I earned. 我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的。
- The huntsman fired a single shot at the lion and settled its hash. 猎人朝那只狮子开了一枪,把它打死了。
- Five twenties and ten single, please. 请给我5张20元的和10张1元的。
- She wore a single orchid on her evening dress. 她在晚礼服上缀着一朵兰花。
- ground ear corn with husks 大田作物
- Up to yesterday, I thought he was single. 直到昨天,我一直以为他是独身。
- Can you let me have a room with two single bed? 可以给我一间两张单人床的房间吗?