- A division has opened up between the two ministers over the single European currency. 两位部长在欧洲单一货币问题上出现了分歧。
- "The French think Britain is not doing its best to become part of Europe by not introducing the single European currency," said Geoff Hare, a former lecturer in French politics and language at Newcastle University in Britain. 英国newcastle 大学前法国政治和语言讲师Geoff Hare说,“法国人认为,英国没有引入欧洲统一货币表明英国没有尽力融入欧洲。
- While a single European currency will appear at the turn of the century, the Asian currencies that are freely convertible will continue to mature. 虽然一种单一的欧洲货币也许会在世纪之交出现,但是可以兑换的亚洲货币将会继续成熟起来。
- "The French think Britain is not doing its best to become part of Europe by not introducing the single European currency." "法国人认为,英国没有引入欧洲统一货币表明英国没有尽力融入欧洲。"
- a single European currency 统一的欧洲货币
- single European currency 欧洲单一货币
- The pound have fall-en against a basket of European currency. 与一揽子欧洲货币相比英镑以下跌。
- The pound is out of step with other European currency. 英镑与其它的欧洲货币步调不一致。
- 11 While a single European currency will appear at the turn of the century, the Asian currencies that are freely convertible will continue to mature. 11虽然一种单一的欧洲货币也许会在世纪之交出现,但是可以兑换的亚洲货币将会继续成熟起来。
- The pound has fallen - en against a basket of European currency. 与一揽子欧洲货币相比英镑已下跌。
- The pound has fallen - en against a basket of European currency . 与一揽子欧洲货币相比英镑已下跌。
- The pound has fallen against a basket of European currency. 与一揽子欧洲货币相比英镑以下跌。
- Do you want to get American dollars or European currency? 你想要美元还是欧元?
- In 1987, the Treaty of Rome underwent its first revision since inception, when the single European act came into force. 1987年,对罗马条约进行了自签署以来的第一次修订。同年单一欧洲法案开始实施。
- That year the administration of President Bill Clinton bought euros to support the European currency. 那一年前总统柯林顿政府借欧元以支持欧洲货币。
- In the process of negotiations on the Single European Act,Germany and France as the axis of European integration played a very important role. 对20世纪80年代末90年代初欧洲一体化的深入发展具有重大意义,而德法在《单一欧洲法令》的酝酿和谈判过程中则再次扮演了领导者角色,起到了欧共体的轴心作用。
- He called for plans for a single European sky that would optimise air routings by aircraft and improve environmental performance further. 提到这些举措,州长施瓦辛格评论说:“我对维珍公司提出牵杆式飞机(将飞行器拖曳到跑道)的这一创意性理念深表赞同。
- He reckons that most investments have gone into dollars not euros, and so cannot explain why the yen has gained against the European currency. 他认为大部分投资都是以美圆进行而不是欧元,所以这不能解释为什么日圆可以从对欧洲货币的交易中获利。
- Linked to this should be the preservation of the single European market and its competition rules, which are under attack from economic nationalists. 与之相连的便是对单一欧洲市场及其竞争规则进行保护。这恰恰处于经济民族主义者的炮轰之下。